Feb 08, 2007 22:40
Sit yourselves down for another rant. This one comes compliments of YouTube - who *used to* be my favourite people ever. Not so much anymore, and here is why:
They have taken my Bones! Well ... not *my* bones, but Bones clips ... from the show. Gone! Most likely at the urging of Fox, concerned because people were viewing clips from the shows THEY own and they were not making money off of it. Boo hoo.
This is so deja vu ... Buffy, circa ... 2000? Maybe later. I had a Buffy website up, and Fox (who owned Buffy at the time) decided they were not particulary happy with all of the FREE websites up devoted to their shows, where people could view videos, pictures, and other items related to television. So ... Fox decided that they were going to threaten everybody who ran a Buffy website with legal action - should the websites remain active. What?! I'm serious. There was a whole movement against this - called The Buffy Bringers, who wanted to tell Fox to piss off and mind their own business. Nobody was doing this for profit, it was just to share their love and admiration for a quality television program.
While nothing ever came of this, and many Buffy pages stayed up and running ... it seems that Fox is at it again! This time, they've gone too far ... taking my Bones clips. What's next - the fan vids that people have made themselves, featuring clips from the show? Or the interviews with cast and crew (they HAVE taken off any Fox-related interviews with the Bones cast...)
I, for one, was thoroughly enjoying YouTube and the fact that I could start watching a show part way into the second season, and still "catch up" on moments that had long since aired. As well, I got to see all of the interviews that the cast had done for the show. And my most favourite part? Getting to see the previews for the next episode to air. Since I'm in Canada, and our channel loves to "override" Fox, we don't get the "Next on Bones" previews at the end of each ep. That was where YouTube came in most handy .. I could always count on the clip being up within a day - just so I could get myself excited about what next Wednesday would bring.
Seems that this is no more. I know I probably shouldn't be blaming YouTube, since they were probably threatened with Fox's crack legal team - and felt they had to start "cleaning house", but ... honestly. What harm can it do? You can't save the clips, or view them anywhere but through YouTube. If anything ... Fox should shut their traps and be happy since YouTube probably introduced a fan or two to Bones and other programs.
And while I'm ranting ... what happened to the Garcia/Morgan hug from the preview for this week's Criminal Minds?? And who the hell is this new guy on Bones? He needs to go away ... maybe they should hook him up with Cam and the two of them can live happily ever after eating their damn sausage and pepper sandwiches on a boat somewhere far, far away.