julian year

Jan 01, 2008 17:42

2007, a year in review (a la ali gibbons)

Gus and I break up "officially" on December 31st.
Began 2007 nauseous and two hours late for work.
Worked constantly at Urban...rode my bike there in the snow and loved it.
Rehearsed daily for Night of the Iguana in apartment living rooms.
Our heat breaks, leaving Aidy and me very ill.
Figured out my secret identity.

Eric visits.
Night of the Iguana opens and closes.
Mario visits; Bears & Bulls is created.
Ali visits.
I almost switch my major to directing.
People I loved my entire life accuse me of not doing so.
Bradley Devine dies.

Rough. Very rough.
Almost daily my horoscope reminds me happiness is a choice.
I get cast in Shakespeare's Hot Mess.
Spring Break in St. Louis = tree houses and rooftops and love.
I solidify my plans to graduate a year early.
Rowland Whitsell has a name but still not a face.

Shakespeare opens and closes.
My Teaching Practicum kids blow me away with their skillz.
I fight with my parents about London.
"My mouth probably tastes like a forest."

We have a really great surprise party for Aidy.
I join Private Tea Party.
Mario & Nate visit; we see Animal Collective and walk a lot.
My momma visits. Manifest.
I stay up for about four nights in a row writing papers.

Completely in love with my Level 5 class.
Start paying all of my rent and save zero dollars.
A million bike rides with Urban co-workers.

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows!!!
My family goes on a really wonderful camping and floating trip.
I turn 20 and have a bit of a crisis.
Move out of 3440 lovefest and into a silent studio.

I hear a man get shot inside a cab and see his dead body.
I get hired at Chicago Kids Bookstore and quit Urban.
I purchase my Fuji Track and ride it constantly.

5b shows.
My bike gets stolen.
I start flossing my teeth, for real.
I eat chocolate for the first time 18 years.

More bad luck with bikes and boys named Blake.
I costume design No Exit.
I start having solo dance parties daily.

Start thinking I shouldn't live alone.
Long Thanksgiving weekend in St. Louis writing someone else's huge paper.
I get chosen for an io Harold team...♥ Hindenburg
I stop doing homework altogether and stay out until 2am talking with Kate every night.

Got into Senior Showcase
Didn't sleep for three days because of papers
Prop Manage 1984
24 Hour Play Festival
Work at Habit; ride in the snow a lot.
Road trip with Howie and Jacob to St. Louis
Mom and Tyler come to Chicago
Hindenburg's first show!
Impromptu NYE party at Aidy's (most beautifully decorated party)

I woke up the first day of 2007 on Pat and Jake's couch feeling awful.
I woke up the first day of 2008 on Pat and Jake's futon feeling great.
I think that makes all the difference.
I have high hopes for 2000hate.
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