(no subject)

May 07, 2007 22:54

i've been thinking about how college sucks the creative life out of so many. we go to the this "art school" to create things (like change?) but we're so bogged down with unfruitful work that we stop creating altogether. we half-ass things just to get them in on time and get the grade. so many are bursting with potential but take full loads of classes and have to keep jobs to pay for this degree that in the end won't mean a thing.

i should quit school and be a starving performance artist like i really want to.
but i only have a year left and for some reason feel the need to have a bachelor's degree in art with a concentration in theater because, ya know, that will really be useful when i work at a starbuck's just so i can have health insurance.

don't you wish you didn't love it so much?
don't you wish you didn't believe that your art is socially relevant and important?


p.s. happy birthday aidan. i love you more than it's humanly possibly to explain. you are the most beautiful mermaid this world has ever seen.
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