(no subject)

Mar 30, 2017 14:12

I think it's fun to write down random thoughts, bullet-style. Especially during the day when I am at work multi-tasking on several things at once.

- I don't think I have enough tasks at work. I am able to think about and write this, and do two other things at the same time. I need more than three things to do at the same time.
- Do I have ADD? Or whatever politically correct BS it's being called nowadays?
- At the water place, I was constantly doing a million things at once and most days, I loved it. I had a distinct method to my madness that I doubt anyone else understood it.
- Man, I got shit DONE.
- I love being busy, but not so busy that it's overwhelming. Which is why I suppose I like this job better over the water place. There is always something to do, and some things are urgent, but it's rarely ever beyond my capacity to help. I like it.

- I was thinking earlier about how much I need to just sit down and listen to music. Like, just play around with Pandora and Spotify and YouTube all day, perfecting my lists, REALLY feeling the music, like I used to. Singing along. Maybe taking a long walk and just getting lost. Soon, when it's not so cold and rainy...

- I cannot WAIT for Matt to get his stuff out and move next door. Quick backstory: See, after the debacle with Jim, I ended up moving in before he was moved out. I am taking his apartment and he is moving next door, upstairs, however, I am temporarily living in his apartment with him. It works, because I rarely see him, and I've got my own room and so forth. He is kind and we get along well and there's no friction or issues or anything. Increasingly, though, I am finding that I simply crave my own space more and more. To be surrounded with things that *I* bought and things that *I* love and I can invite only the people who I want to into *my* space. My goal, from the minute I left that shitty hole in West County, was to just be left ALONE.

My friends don't think I do very well living alone, because whenever I do end up by myself and with no roommate or boyfriend or whatever, I used to get so depressed and I would get into my own thoughts and feelings WAY too much and end up calling them begging to come over or for them to come see me. Now, though, I feel the opposite. Like...leave me the FUCK alone. Srsly. Anyway, soon, he will be out, I will have my nice big place to myself, and I will occupy my time with any myriad of things to do.

- I made a list entitled "Things that I want to do". So far:
-          Write
-          Write well
-          Lose weight
-          Feel better
-          Quit smoking
-          Buy a car
-          Get a dog
-          Or two
-          See Concerts
-          Go on road trips
-          Travel
-          Have a family
-          Plan vacations
-          Plan parties
-          Learn to play guitar
-          Read more books
-          Take more photos
-          Volunteer
-          Cook more

I mean, those aren't bad, right?

I am going to get up and go walk around now. I sit too much at work. My legs and my butt ache. :-(
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