(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 01:42

Today I got my acceptance letter to Penn State Behrend.

Right on the front of the big envelope it says "Congratulations!"  So, it kind of kills any suspense there may have been.  But it's a *good* kind of letdown.  hahaa

I'm still kind of in disbelief...I keep re-reading the letter and looking at all the info they gave me.  I actually pinched myself earlier to make sure this wasn't a continuation of my dream from last night...before I fell asleep, I let doubt creep into my head and say "What if I don't get into PSU?  I'll have to settle for Edinboro...ugh..."  I even dreamt last night about driving home from Edinboro, in my crappy van, on I-79, in the dark, in a swirling blizzard, with 6 feet of snow and 6 inches of ice on the road.  Not fun.

But - NOW, I don't have to do any of that!  heheheee  I can't believe how happy I am.  I can't believe I made it!  This has been a dream of mine for a long time...well, the concept of college has been a dream for a long time.  Going to PSU has been a dream for maybe 2 years.  lol  But I got in!  I got in!  I GOT IN! 
Yeah, this is a big deal to me.  However, I know that the toughest parts of this deal lie ahead - actually passing my classes, for instance.  I really have no doubt that I can do this.  All it takes is a little hard work and studying, and goodness knows I'm in the mood for that!  I'm also kind of worried about the financial hurdles - if I'll be able to hold down a part-time or a full-time job while I'm attending classes...that will be the difference between just barely making it and having a cushion.  I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes.  Just have to remember that the main focus is going to class and making the grade.

Speaking of employment...Sunrise might have to kiss my ass pretty soon.  For one thing, I just recently found out how much I'm getting paid per hour (no, they didn't tell me right off the bat, imagine that!) and sorry, but for all the crap that we put up with each day, that SOOO isn't worth it.  Not to mention that the pay isn't going to meet my needs.  Even if I work my tail off from now until after Christmas with all the hours I can get, I will be in the red after I deduct "needs" from "actual pay".  *sigh*  Retail, again?!  Gah.  I suppose, if I have to, I will...but it's killin' me!  lol  One thing I absolutely have always hated about myself is my job-hopper tendencies.  Hey, what can I say - if Kimmie ain't happy, she changes things!  I'm not nearly as bad as some people, but it still bugs me.  Two or more jobs in one year is not my idea of fun.

You have no idea how giddy I am about going to PSU!!!

Classes start January 14th.  TWO MONTHS from today.  Do you know how much STUFF I have to do between now and then to prepare?!!

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