Jul 08, 2009 23:28
I've watched LO:CI since episode 1. Truthfully, I've watched the whole franchise since episode 1, but CI is my favorite. I LURVE Bobby. I love the way his brain works, I love his Asperger's-ish personality, his internal struggles and demons and most of all his passion. It's always there, brewing...simmering. He's always on the ragged edge. Well, OK, that's the Old Bobby. Or should I say Previous Bobby. The dead-eyed lump I've seen while catching up on Season 8 is the Old Bobby.
When VDO started having the health problems and he had to cut back on the schedule, I was sad, but when I heard they were bringing Mikey back, it started to sound interesting. I loved Mikey in the Flagship and while I had my doubts about having someone polarly opposite to Bobby in almost every respect, I was willing to give it a chance. Granted that first year was rough because they had to lash-up scripts that were meant for Goren & Eames and they had to bring in Barack to be the "Bobby" character. But they pulled it off. Barack rocked the "brainy" partner role without being Bobby-ish, and Mikey was just Mikey. The shows they did together were some of my favorites of the series.
Now I understand where they took Bobby last season. I get that he's supposed to be beaten down and recovering from extreme emotional trauma. But this flat, bland, barely acknowledging let alone showing interest in the world around him version of my Bobby is just wrong. It's useless. There's really no way to get around the fact that the show revolves around Bobby. Alex is great, but, well, you know, she's best as part of the partnership. Then Noth decides he can make a career out of Sex in the City and Mikey's gone again leaving the showrunners with a dilemma. Get another Councilman Punching, Pool Cue wielding Yin to Bobby's Yang, or try to duplicate the existing partnership.
Sadly, they chose the later. I suppose it's less work all things considered. But really the character that Goldblum is playing is just Previous Bobby. All props to him, he does it VERY well. It ticks me off a bit that I enjoy his episodes more than VDO's, actually. They're even written better! GAH! When I saw the first Bobby episode being two brothers with a schizophrenic mother I automatically groaned Gods Not AGAIN! This new guy even has Father/Authority Issues! OI! I just don't get it. Unless Goldblum is going to take over and VDO is going to retire it's gawdawful redundant.
AND Wheeler is Soap Queen with Indited Husband and Single Preggers Working Woman. At least with Barack, we had a balance of IQ Equity. Bobby was the "smart one" in the first partnership and Barack in the second. Now we're back to the guys being smart out-front characters and the girls holding the coats. grrrrrrr It's so ridiculous. ::headdesk::
law and order,
alex eames,
criminal intent,
bobby goren