Update from the tropics... sorta

Oct 18, 2006 10:30

Well, I've put off my haircut long enough now that my hair is long enough to pull the bangs back out of my face again. Which is good, as it was driving me crazy hanging in my face and the heat's going crazy in the office (feels quite tropical with out the fun of a nice sandy beach or colorful drinks with little umbrellas) this week and it's cooler to have it pulled back. Now I have to decide if I'm going to let it keep growing or chop it off again. Decisions, decisions.

Yesterday was horrible with the whole driving situation. I'd overslept by a lot and missed the driving report on the morning news so I got stuck in the traffic on 40. I'd considered taking the back route in, but decided against it. *sigh* So, not only was I late getting in, I was really late and very frustrated too. Then, because of the rain, traffic driving home stunk too. Thank goodness it won't be raining this afternoon and I also don't plan to work as late today. Hopefully I won't be pissed off by the time I make it home. Grrr! ;)

I managed to get to sleep earlier last night. I figured with the whole sleeping through the alarm for an hour and a half thing that more sleep would be a good idea. While I won't say that I was in bed early, I did manage to get a couple more hours sleep than I generally do. My goal is to repeat the process tonight. Which means that I'll be taping Lost and The Nine for watching later.

NaNoWriMo starts in two weeks. Are any of you here planning to participate this year? I have moved most of my writing info to another area, so I won't be discussing it much in this LJ, but I'd love to know if any of you will be writing and whether you want to join in on the mutual support/harassment things. Drop me a comment and I'll fill you in on my info if you're interested.

Oh well, back to work. The database appears to be cooperating today/right now, so I need to take advantage while I can.

hair, weather, sleep, nanowrimo, work

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