Ramblings of the sleep deprived

Oct 16, 2006 16:43

It was a very quick, nice and sleepy weekend. It's always amazing how slow it can take to get through 2 working days, but how quickly two days away from work will fly. I think there's some time disturbance going on there and I hope to figure out how to switch the two around some day.

Until that day, I appear to be going on the "You can sleep when you're dead" premise. While it works in the short term, I think I've been taking it to extremes recently, and I've decided that it needs to stop. Saturday night I went to bed, if you can call it that, at ~10:30am Sunday morning. I was up by 2:30ish that afternoon and was fine for the rest of the day, though I was getting tired by the time I went to do my airport taxi run at 11:30 or so that evening. I still didn't get to bed until 3am, but that was because my meals were screwed up and I had something at 1am when I got home from making the run and I wanted to give things a chance to settle before bed.

Luckily I'd already made plans to come in late today, so I'm actually rather well rested, though I got less done this morning than I'd planned due to sleeping later to get more sleep in.

Otherwise, I did a lot of reading online this weekend and hung out with an old friend on Saturday for a few hours. We figured out that it's been a good year and a half since we've caught up, so it was especially nice to be able to sit down and just talk. I'm always a bit amazed that I have friends that I can not see for long periods like that then meet up and talk like it's only been a week or so since we last talked. Amazed, but very happy. I can be really bad at keeping up with people as I'm a bit of a hermit when I'm not at work (I blame it all on being an introvert and having jobs that are customer service related where I have to deal with people all day). I like seeing people/friends, but I'm bad about initiating things.

That being said, I'm thinking about going to the State Fair this Saturday and if anyone local is interested in meeting up there or joining me in attending, drop me a note. The weather (so far) looks to be nice. I go early though and am generally Fair-ed out by early to mid afternoon (depending on whether I decide to go watch cars crash into each other ;). I have my preferred stops but am willing to be a bit flexible if I have company :)

Otherwise, work should be okay this week. We have some stuff going on, and meetings to attend, but nothing that looks too complicated. We're having a Pot Luck next week, so I'll be sending out reminders for that later on this week. We have good pot lucks here and they're a lot of fun. We planned this one to give my one co-worker a bit of a send off as she's having some minor surgery on the 1st and will be out for the month of November. We're planning/plotting to take her food a couple times while she's out too, just to be nice. I'm planning on making lasagna and splitting it into two smaller aluminum trays. One will stay with me and the other for her. We're both cooking for 1, so doing it this way, my effort give us both food for a couple meals without being too much for either of us to get through. I'll probably be doing something else later on as well, but that's my first contribution.

Okay, I need to get a few more things handled before I head out. Trying to decide whether I'll tape shows tonight or stay up and watch. Will have to see how tired I am when the time comes. I can at least catch Heroes on-line if I don't tape it, but CBS (I think that's where the CSI's are located) doesn't appear to have jumped on that bandwagon yet.

friends, sleep, work, state fair

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