
May 01, 2006 14:17

For the next rounds of letters, here's what I've agreed to do...

The letter P from maguire708:
Peanut Butter - Chunky or smooth, peanut butter is just good stuff. Add some blackberry jelly and bread, and you've got a de-lightful sandwich! :)

Purple - The color of my bedroom. Not that I painted it myself, but I do like it.

Parties - I like them, but I find them a bit stressful if I don't know many people. I do better with smaller groups.

Paint - I spent the summers after my freshman year of High School doing a lot of painting. Not the artistic type, but house painting. We'd bought a new house that year and we basically painted it inside and out. That was my way of earning money. I liked painting at night when the rest of the family had gone to bed. I think I spent most of the summer with paint in my hair from painting inside cabinets. Attractive! ;)

Parents - Love mine dearly. Generally very supportive and I've not had much in the way of problems/arguments with them.

Pasta - I like the stuff, but I actually don't eat all that much of it anymore and mainly only when I go out. When I do cook it at home, I've started using whole wheat and I like it.

Published - Someday I'd like to be a published author. *sigh*

Ponytail - Now that my hair is so long, I tend to wear my hair like this a lot. It is easy to do and keeps my hair out of my face.

Puzzles - I've recently become quite addicted to Sudoku online. It's causing me to lose sleep and have bizarre dreams. I love it! :)

Pizza - The perfect food.

The letter R from joyce:
Red - I was never a big fan of the color when I was younger, but it's growing on me in recent years. It's also my favorite shade of fake hair color.

Roses - Other than red, long-stem ones (like you see in most flower shops), I love roses. I have a couple of bushes in my back yard and want to add more. While the scent inside can be way too strong for me to deal with, I love them outside. I like the odd shades best - salmon, yellow/orange, those sorts.

Rhubarb - I grew up eating rhubarb sauce as my grandparents grew rhubarb in their garden. I don't have that source anymore, but I'm working to recreate it. Not that it's difficult, but I haven't got the ratios quite right yet.

Ravenclaw - My house in the HP world.

Right - I'm right handed.

Raleigh - Where I live. I've been here for 15 years (Yikes!) now and it's a nice area.

Rest - I never seem to get enough sleep. Considering home much I enjoy sleeping, I obviously don't make it a priority.

Rules - For the most part, I'm a believer in rules. Not that I agree with all of them all the time, but for the most part I think they're there for a reason.

Roaches - Yuck! It's a tie between these things and spiders as to which I hate most to find in the house. I think the roaches win on that though.

Role play - I use to game a lot during college. I miss that. I tried getting back into it a time or two since I graduated, but the groups were never ones I felt comfortable with. With the right group of people I'd love to get back into gaming.

The letter V from editgirl:
Vampires - I'm fascinated with vampires. I read a lot of books about them. I've role played as one. I'm a fan.

Valentine's Day - While I don't dislike the holiday, I do have a love/hate relationship with it.

Ventriloquist Dummy - Okay, do those things freak anyone else out too, or is it just me? I so expect those things to come to life and start trying to kill people.

Velvet - I love the feel of velvet.

V for Vendetta - One of the most recent movies I've seen in the theater. I liked it. Saw it twice.

Vacation - I greatly enjoy the vacation days I get through work. I don't have anything major planned so far this year. Maybe I'll just relax at home and spend the money on things like... home improvement projects. Sounds like FUN! ;)

Vanilla - I love the smell of vanilla, but, like so many scents, I can't use it as a room scent or it'll give me a headache. That stinks.

Vegetable - I don't like a lot of them and I don't really know what to do with the rest of them. I'm not a fan of many veggies raw, so not knowing how to cook them limits things.

Video games - I don't play a lot of video games, though I did when I was younger. We had an atari and intelevision. I currently have an Xbox, which I play on occasion. I've decided that I'm not getting another system until I start using what I have more.

Vitamin - I take a multi-vitamin every day. My dad's a big fan of all sorts of vitamin supplements, but I tend to stick with the multi one.

meme, me

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