What have I done to myself?

Jan 02, 2008 06:19

I spent yesterday morning in the ER with my mom, because my back hurt so bad I thought I would cry. It's been hurting since Saturday but yesterday morning was the worst (happy New Year, huh?). My mom thought it might be kidney stones. So I called into work and we went to the ER where they did blood/urine tests and did some x-rays. They all came out normal. So, without actually diagnosing me and sitting there doped to the gills from about 9 am to 2 pm, I got sent home with some Percocet and muscle relaxers. I also got told not to go to work today. And my back still hurts. I've spent the last 13 hours or so in a drug induced fugue, and that sucks. I can't sit at my computer too long, or my back hurts. And if I take my meds all I want to do is sleep. I'm going to call my regular doctor in a couple hours to see if he can see me today. This pain is too much for me not to know what exactly the problem is. 
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