the Ides of March

Mar 15, 2010 15:20

Today we come to  Praise and celebrate Caesar (and the Ides of March).

For fun today, we realized one must beware when no bread is left for making Roman toast - instead we had a few slices of pie left over from Pi Day (thankfully, I enjoy celebrating all sorts of obscure holidays - or as I like to say, everyday is a holiday if you think about it).

We have made a hopscotch board (is that what you call it?) using Roman numerals, discussed the Roman gods (we are mythology geeks 'round here), decided what kind of gladiator we would be and played with my gladiator sticker book (yes, I own one), read about the rise and fall of Julius Caesar and have just finished a batch of Fallen Caesars.  Mmmm.... julius.

imagine very cool picture here.

Lucy felt the need for Julia Caesar as well

imagine cool picture of female cookies with stab wounds here.

imagine me leaving livejournal because I am frickin' tired of the issues with media...bye bye and off to blogspot after I fix some dormouse for dinner.

ides of march

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