(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 09:03

Occasionally, I present the challenges on Think! to Taran and Lucy.  I find the way they accept these challenges most fascinating (apparently Spock zipped in and took over my blog for a moment).  Today I laid out all the change we had on our table ala this challenge.  Taran jumped up on the table with the chant "money, money, money".  When I suggested they could be used as a building material as well, Taran looked up at the ceiling and decided legos would be a much more pleasurable and suitable building material; Lucy agreed.

I love their independent spirit and way of not being bound by any sort of "rules" or conventions.  I don't think Taran has ever accepted one of the challenges from Think!  He often will take a portion of the materials and go his own route (like the time he used the drinking straws to add new dimensions to his own creations).  Lucy, also, has her particular style. She may choose to accept a challenge, but she is not afraid to modify it to her own needs, or , she may choose to assist her brother in creating his visions and plotlines.  I just noticed that "kidswhothink" is the title of the blog - how cool that Taran and Lucy are not afraid to think for themselves!

I love them and their strength of conviction so much.

Now to join in the lego creations...
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