
May 26, 2011 15:02

I hate when i'm in a good mood and just cause people are pissed off they decided that they need to do everything in their power to make you feel like the lowest possible shit that you can. Learn to let things go for f sakes. These people exist everywhere....there's no hiding from them. They invade our life at work, the store, the mall. Wherever. I had a great day...did some chores, got caught up with work stuff, actually got to spend more than ten minutes on my game and what happens. Some holyer than thou decided to rain on my parade. Fitting considering it's pouring outside. The milk I went out to get wasn't at the variety store so I had to go all the way to the grocery store to get it. On the way home the nice guy in front of me decides to let a few cars pull out in front of him at the high school. "ok great. good for you. Ok you can go now...ok i think four is enough....ok six is more than enough....oh come on not the school bus." Great so now I'm stuck behind the bus that can't drive in the terenchle downpour that's resonsible for me being cold and soaked. Dan't now late for picking up the kids at daycare cause I'm an idiot for choosing the wrong time to go get milk cause gee wiz i forgot. Not like I've never forgotten anything before. So yes I know I screwed up and yes I hate people who are stupid and think that because they aren't busy noone else it. Argh really wannt punch something now. Instead I will rant and not really care about anything right now. I will go to work where I will most likly f* up again. Meldromatic. You beat. I have to put on a good face at home and work cause I'm cursed with wanted to make people happy so darn it I'm going to be me and kick and scream online. Now that I feel a little better....Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go.......Sigh.

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