Jan 19, 2011 20:56
Working harder than I have in months. I don't even have a job right now. I wake up in the morning and clean to keep the house presentable, try and give me kids and husband equal time, try and be a better wife, working on establishing some contacts....and i still never have enough time to do everything. I see work as a vacation soon. lol. sad.
I've been doing good as far as not feeling all depressed and lonely for the most part. I still get the occassional twinge of wanting to have a grown-up conversation with someone which is never very likely. I get to talk to dan sometimes which is nice but never for very long.
I've been feeling hidden away lately. Like stuff is going on around me without me. I feel like things are being hidden from me. So it's probably paranoya talking but it's still an unerving feeling.
I need to go out. Dan and I need to go out. We need fun in our lives (besides a few hours a week) before we go crazy. I'm anoyed with the free dinner and movie gift cards that are sitting here collecting dust cause we can't find anyone to watch the kids for the night. Ok so i'm a little house bound crazy.
I want to go to Toronto, I want to visit my grandparents, I want to have a party, I want to go to a nice dinner and movie with my husband, I want to go eat sushi with friends. I want a girls night. Sigh. I feel alittle better but now I sound like a greedy winy kid. Don't care. I feel better at least.