Mar 30, 2005 11:18
So I was taking CS 120 and doing not so hot. Even thought I tried really hard I can't seem to understand it. Jeff Clark was in my class to so we decided that if our grades were high enough on the test we took and got back today we would stay in the class. Well mine was okay I could live with it and Jeff's score was decent but low. Anyway we know that the rest of the test will be harder and we would do worse so we decided to withdraw. YAY one less class for Kim! Now instead of taking 20 credits I am at 16. I am kind of disappointed with myself because it is almost like I gave up but I am going to take it next semester so that I can learn it because I am not a quitter but hey I have to think about my GPA and my stress levels. Anyway I went to and read that the pro I have right now is really hard and tries to trick people; the pro I am going to have explains things slower and makes everything easy to fallow. I will give it another try, only because I can't quit lol!