Guilty Pleasures This was probably one of the best episodes this seasons, it was almost all awesome. But sadly they still went to New York... and I forwarded through most of that. But the highschool stuff was awesome. Wham, Spice Girls, Phil Collins (and that version of the song, just wow), Barry Manilow...
It was just so much fun. I liked that they even discussed the whole Chris Brown thing because that is something kids would come across. The New York stuff, eh, boring, whatever. But I did have mostly fun.
And to be extra shallow. Blaine needs to wear his hair not slicked back more often. He's even more hot that way.
Arrow: Return of the Huntress My biggest problem with this episode is that Oliver took too long to get to the point that Helena was bad. It was a little ridiculous actually. She killed the lawyer. Then she shot her way into the safe house, that right there should have been enough. Once she caught the arrow, he needed to reload immediately. It was just... ridiculous in my opinion. I'm sad to see the cop go, I liked her.
I'm sorry that Tommy and Laurel are having problems, mostly because of Tommy's lying on behalf of Oliver. I thought the scenes between Tommy and Oliver was a little heartbreaking, but maybe Tommy can get to a place he can see where Oliver is coming from. Maybe not. But I feel for Oliver, that ending scene, he just thinks he has to be alone and this episode did bring that home, but still, you want him to have something of a normal life.
Supernatural: Goodbye Stranger There were a few likehearted back and forths between Sam and Dean, which I enjoyed. I liked that Castiel seems to be out of the control of Naomi. I liked that now Sam really can't lie to Dean anymore about the way he feels. And I liked seeing Meg again, I have come to enjoy her.
What I didn't like, well, I know I'm against the majority of the opinion, however I'm not really into Castiel anymore. He has outlived his usefulness and the fact that he is a regular next season... does not fill me with the joy it does other people. His character has not grown, he just seems like the same old same old. Now depending how things go with this angel tablet storyline maybe that will change something about Castiel.
While we did not see the whole conversation between Sam and Meg, I liked it. I loved that Meg told Sam to "save her unicorn" and I thought that was the sweetest thing, but yet sad at the same time because she's dead and she'll never get with her Clarence again. And that brings me to my disappointment that the guys didn't try and help her against Crowley.
The fact that Crowley and Naomi have a past relationship of some sort is intriguing. And does anyone else feel as though Dean has had the shit beat out of him by people he loves enough? Geezus I felt horrible for him, but it was a very emotional scene, reminded me of when Sam (as Lucifer) beat Dean and Dean just took it and pleaded at the end.
Overall the episode was ok, nice the brothers seem to have (yet another) clean slate, and with the angel tablet out and about it will bring some interesting adventures I'm sure.
Hawaii 5-0: Na Ki'i" This was ok. I thought the scene when Katherin tells Steve about the secret was done really really well. Very emotional. I thought perhaps Steve got over it a little too quickly considering his disposition, but it was nice at the end (he is secretly going to be with Danny, we all know this *g*).
What I thought was ridiculous and pissed me off was the Steve and Danny just barged into the doctor's office while the doctor was treating a child patient. Are you kidding me?! You knock and ask that she come out, or you wait. It's not like time was critical and it was such an invasion of the whole process. Ugh, just stupid.
Some of the fun stuff with the team and then Danny's knowledge of roller derby was cute. And the Doris stuff *sigh* I could care less about her except that she is going to break Steve's heart again and again. And I just don't understand how he can welcome her back into his life so quickly, it's bothering me.
Justified: Decoy" You know what I took away from this episode? Raylan is sex on a stick. Boyd is hot. And when you put them together, even if they aren't looking at each other, but instead standing on stairs with a wall between them. Or talking through a door. They are just hot. There is a whole hell of a lot of unresolved something between them and I find it hard to look away.
I feel for Drew/Shelby, I can't see how he is going to get out of this alive, and of course that seems to be Jim Beaver's role in many things - die.
I also loved Tim, he needs a bigger role, and in this episode he talked more than he has in all the previous season combined. He needs to be the one to take out Colt, for retribution for his friend. :) Then he and Raylan need to work more together because they are so laid back that when they speak to each other I always end up smiling. I love Justified, and I hate to see it come to an end each season.
The only thing I felt rang false was Johnny's confession that he loved Ava. Seriously? Where the hell did that come from? I didn't like that at all, he didn't talk to Wynn because he wanted Ava for himself, he wanted Boyd out of the way. And Boyd is not going to be happy about this turn of events. Also, go Ava, she is kickass!
I'm sick again, this is my fourth sinus infection in six months. It's not surprising since I always feel as though I have liquid in my ears/head and I can't get it out. It's just tiring, I'm tired of being so congested and feeling like crap. And I had been looking forward to this weekend for a while because the kids are staying at my parents on Saturday. And while we had no plans, lying around feeling crappy and lying around with the hubby watching TV are slightly different.