Hawaii 5-0: Kame'e I did not enjoy this episode much. Sure to be shallow there wasn't enough Danny and Steve interaction for me, I'll admit that. But that aside... it just left me eh.
Revenge from the cartel against the Seals that took down his brother, I almost want to say, who cares. I just seemed removed from the whole thing. And the sequence at the end where you watch the Seals on their mission, one part interesting, two parts over the top. Plus the name of the mission - payback? Geezus christ, seriously?? I kind of hoped we as a people would rise above such ideas, killing is never good, nor should it be the only option. And while every bad guy that was shot was holding a gun or shooting first, I just... didn't like that at all.
And Kono, what.the.hell. When she was back at her house I thought perhaps she was doing a double agent kind of thing. It was the way she interacted with Chin that made me think that. She was just cold to him and he doesn't deserve it. But her logging in as Chin on the HPD website?? Not good at all. If someone investigates they will see that Chin signed in and what he looked out. He would not get a fair hearing because of his past so she is practically condemning him.
Here's a question. While part of the 5-0 Task Force, the Govenor (she was the Governor, right?) gave the entirely task force full immunity to get the job done. Couldn't it be argued that in order to get the job done that the money was needed? And under the logic, it would be immunity. I realize that we know the team did not return the money, but the money is there. So what exactly is Kono convicted of? Perhaps in my frustration with the storyline I have missed an important piece of info. The whole thing leaves me unhappy.
Glee: Asian F There wer parts of this I liked. I really enjoyed seeing Will and Emma outside of work. Sadly she is really traumatized, but it seems Will is having a lot of patience with her. I liked Mike Chang singing and dancing and having the spotlight for a moment. And the support his Mom was offering, which was nice because at first it seemed to be going the other way.
Sadly the rest of the ep was frustrating but maybe that's because I was blinded by the Mercedes and Rachel storyline. Here's the thing. I'm all for good competition and tough decisions by judges or casting people... but a tie, really? That's one thing about today's generation that is wrong. Not everyone can make the team, not everyone can win. These kids today don't start to learn winning and losing until much later in life, like high school. Field Day at schools, no one keeps score. What? Ridiculous. So the decision to have two Maria's seemed like that to me, didn't want to upset one of the kids. And while the idea was interesting, it should have been offered to the best performer and that was Mercedes.
I do agree with Mercedes, no one ever wants to tell Rachel no. Why?? She is not special. She is a spoiled brat that needs to be brought down a peg. So not only does she have to be the star on stage, but she's pushing her way into the student counsel. Kurt was great with his talk to her next to the lockers, she really is throwing away all friends to get what she wants. Part of the problem is I'm sick of Rachel. Ugh. And there's obviosuly something wrong with Mercedes. I figure she's not pregnant because that would be redundant since Quin already did that. Perhaps she has an ulcer or her appendix is bothering her, I can't believe it's a one episode problem.
I loved the girl power song for Brittny, that was awesome.
Look at me go, I've been posting every day for almost two weeks I think. :-) Yeah for me.