Yesterday was a very productive day. I slept in until almost 8:30. Then I took BabyKA to get his hair cut, then to the shoe store for sneakers. Then to the food store. While I was gone Mr. KA trimmed up the front bush a little more, dusted and vacuumed the first floor and wrote bills. I also cleaned the kitchen later in the day.
Today is laundry day. It's also the day I start a diet. Oh yes. I have a plan and hope I stick with it. I'd like to lose about 10 pounds in a month, or less. I think I'll walk on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and I'm going to severly cut what I'm eating. I need to do something as I'm not happy with this weight and I think it's causing me to be slightly depressed. I'm going to stop at Kohl's tomorrow on my way home and buy some shirts for work as I have almost nothing that fits. I dread going into the office because I have nothing to wear. So. Diet. Number one thing I'm cutting out: ice cream. I have a problem with ice cream, been eating too much of it. So I'm not having anything until our trip to see SIL-J. which is August 7th or something. Which isn't that long but I've been having it almost every week, sometimes more than once. It has to go. Cold turkey.
Burn Notice: Turn and Burn I thought the idea of Michael going to therapy with his Mom was funny. But it was how he turned everything around that made it seem both mean and amusing. Later we hear more about why his Mom did (or didn't do) the things she did. And while I can get where she was coming from, she knew he didn't buy the groceries (knew deep down).
I have to admit to thinking that Sophia, DEA agent, Sophia was a bit of a wuss. I guess the case meant everything and that the DEA office probably would have pulled her off the case and after spending two years uncover she doesn't want it to be for nothing. But. Still. It seemed as though she couldn't take care of it, or herself.
I did like the way Michael offered to spend more time with his Mom and that he doesn't like talking about the past. Can't pin point anything that Michael did that was really great, although it's hard to describe facial expression, and that's what is so fantastic about Michael.
Stargate Atlantis: The Seed So, ok, Keller has some sort of pathogen that creates Darts. Possibly. And why, when she woke up from the nap on the desk, did she not test the goo? We could write that off to the pathogen messing with her mind. But.
And then there was the whole idea that Keller was able to be up and walking around before John. And I mentioned to
raisintorte that perhaps it was residual for John as just last episode (few weeks for SGA) he was having surgery to repair a gut wound, and here he is again with a gut wound.
But the good stuff: Keller and Teyla being friends, I like to see that. We also learned that Kanaan (and others) are ok and being kept on an island until Woolsey is sure they are safe/not a threat. Keller mentions that Rodney goes to see Carson and talks to him while he's frozen.
Radek is back!! :) Woolsey brought a table to Atlantis. A table LOL!! And Ronan had a sword! *g*
When Woolsey is arriving, John reluctantly stands are attention - arms behind his back. Even glares torward Rodney which in turn makes him stand.
And already, one week on the job and Woolsey has ignored the rules. And even though he feels they are there for reason... he still broke them. I feel slightly bad for him, he's a guy that has to have all the ducks in a row and now that he's in the Pegasus galaxy, the ducks don't always go into formation. :)