This week was hell

Jan 19, 2007 14:01

This week has sucked so much I have no idea where to begin. And I'm not as pissed off as Iago illustrates, just wanted to use the icon, so pretend that Iago is molting because he's exhausted and frustrated instead of pissed off. *g*

BabyKA has an ear infection On Jan. 5 BabyKA was congested, I called the doctor and they said it was probably a head cold and that these colds could take a couple of weeks to go away. Ok, no problem. I hooked up a cool mist humidifier in his room and we were good to go. Hi personality was the same, he was still a happy baby, eating, sleeping, etc. He went to day care from the 9th through the 12th. He acclimated well. On Monday he did not go to day care, instead he stayed home with Mr. KA who was off for the holiday. When I got home BabyKA was coughing and pretty unhappy. I asked Mr. KA if he was like that all day... "not really" was the answer.

Ok. No problem. He went to bed early and then got up around 3:30, I soothed him back to sleep, got back to bed around 4:10, then BabyKA got up again about 4:50. *sigh* It was close enough to 5:00 so I started the morning routine. After the feeding I took him upstairs to Mr. KA so I could shower. After which we both had more time being with him and realized he really didn't feel good. So we took him to the doctor where she said he had a head cold and Mr. KA stayed home with him while I went to work. Tuesday night BabyKA did not sleep well at all. He was up at midnight and then a little after 1:00am - I was so tired I returned to bed and cried. Mr. KA volunteered to get him the next time, I said the next time he's coming back to bed with us. There was no next time as he slept until about 5:00.

So Wednesday morning I'm feeding him and if he was actively eating, he was crying/unhappy etc. He felt a little warm but nothing too high and Mr. KA asked if I wanted to keep him home one more day from daycare, that he would stay home. So that's what we did.

Wednesday night/Thursday morning was more of same: cranky and fussy baby, very little sleep. But it was worse because I would work on getting him back to sleep and he would only stay asleep for 45 minutes. At 2:00 I brought him into the bed with us but he wasn't happy there either, so at 3:00 or so I took him back to his bed and he slept until about 3:30 or so. This time Mr. KA got up and tried but ended up bringing him back to bed, holding him in a different position and that seemed better, but he was still very fussy crying out occasionally and just unhappy. I got up and showered then took the BabyKA downstairs to get changed and fed. It was while changing him I noticed he was very hot, so I took his temperature and he had a fever. Mr. KA had to go to work, so I took BabyKA back to the doctor's and called my Aunt to see if she could watch him for a couple of hours while I went to work to finish up something. The doctor's visit went fine, BabyKA now had an ear infection *bigger sigh*

We now have medicine and a plan. Yesterday and last night he slept in the car seat, the only place he could sleep without being held. So Thursday night we put the car seat in the crib and that worked. He slept in about two hour blocks before needing some attention. He stopped eating yesterday afternoon, he just didn't feel good and wasn't hungry.

Today he seemed a little better. He ate a little through the night (at 2am and 4am), then again at 6:30. He's only interested in about two ounces right now, but it hurts him to suck and swallow. Mr. KA is home with him again, says he's doing ok and has had two quality naps so far. The problem with Thursday is that he slept so crappy on Wednesday night he was just so tired on Thursday (hence the four hour nap in the car seat, which is what convinced me that's where he would be sleeping for the rest of the day, and I asked the doctor and he said it was fine.) So with the medicine and sleep BabyKA is on his way to getting better.

The last good night's sleep I had was Sunday night. I think I've averaged about 3 hours a night, except for Wednesday where it was so sporadic that I don't know how to count it. sleepy And I've been working regular hours for the first time in three months. Speaking of that, I started work (full time) on Monday. The first day was ok, just got really tired around 2:00 in the afternoon, each day that hour of day has gotten a bit better. Unfortunately I had a lot of pressure this week as my deadline to transmit the 1099 tax file was today. So I had to come to work as nothing was done before Monday to even start the formatting, importing, checking etc needed before transmitting today. Which is why I had to come into work yesterday and have my Aunt watch BabyKA, I just needed to finish the editing process so my Mgr. could go through it herself. She thanked me for coming in and said it was appreciated, which was very nice but didn't help with my exhaustion. I did manage a nap for about 40 minutes yesterday afternoon but other than that I'm tired. So very tired.

But the file has been transmitted and we're good to go. Woo! can i nap now?

My Mgr. asked me today if I was going to the IAPP (International Accounts Payable Professional) forum this year. It's being held in Texas and is May13-17. I'm not sure. I'm going to talk it over with Mr. KA but I'm leaning toward no for this year. I didn't go last year because I was pregnant, but I just don't think I want to be that far away with BabyKA being so young. A weekend away, like next weekend is a bit more acceptable (in my head). Next weekend I'm going to a scrap booking retreat, about 45 minutes away but I'm staying at the hotel. Mr. KA will be at home with BabyKA - still feel awkward about it but Mr. KA was ok with it. But four nights?? I just don't think I'm good with that.

Watched the Golden Globes on fast forward, found them pretty boring and most of my shows/people didn't win. The exception being Ugly Betty and America Ferrera and Grey's Anatomy. I think the Oscars are going to be the same way as I didn't see so many movies this year that I feel disconnected from the awards show.

Oh and we got the first snow fall yesterday. It was really pretty and nice to see. During the night more snow fell with some mix of hail or something, making things icy this morning. Of course there were accidents on most roadways (you'd think living in this area would make people better to handle the elements, sadly that is not that case). And me, I had to scrape my windows this morning but couldn't find my scraper or brush. Not in the car under the seats, not the trunk, even checked the garage and the basement -- nothing. And it annoys me as I never take them out of my car because (in this area) you never know when you'll get snow/ice. Now I have to find them or buy new, and I know they are in the house somewhere - but I don't understand/remember why I would have removed them from my car in the first place. Just annoying.

One last thing... very little sleep + sick babyka = me getting sick. I'm trying to be positive, but my throat is stingy and my glands are swollen. And I'm just so tired so I don't have high hopes. Also add to this that my jaw really ached yesterday, so much that I had to take some Tylenol. Now, I don't think all of it was because of the shift in teeth because I tend to carry a lot of my stress in my jaw. Today it's a bit better, so that's good.

health, work, little man, snow

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