This is a GREAT week to start CVSing!

Aug 03, 2009 09:41

If any of you have interest in CVSing, this would be a very good week for you to start. There are lots of "money makers". Here is what I would suggest for you to do if you start out this week, but you MUST GO either today or tomorrow because all of these except the eye drops will stop generating ECB after Tuesday. (OK, actually, if you can't go by Tuesday, this is still a good week to start and just get the eye drops because you will still make money on them.) Also, if you have coupons from July 12 and June, let me know, because there are other excellent deals. I am only using these because anyone could have access to them. If you have any questions, just ask!

Transaction #1
1 Softsoap Nutri-Serums body wash - $4.99
- $2 printable coupon (enter zip code 45435 in top left corner)
= $2.99 + tax, earn $4 ECB

Transaction #2
1 Blink Tears or Gel Tears (eye drops) - $7.99
- $3 coupon from yesterday's (8/2) Red Plum newspaper insert
- $4 ECB from Transaction #1
= .99 + tax, earn $7.99 ECB

Transaction #3 (optional)
3 Softsoap Nutri-Serums body wash - $4.99 x 3 = $14.97
- 3 $2 printable coupons (same as above; you should be able to print 2 per computer. If you only have one computer, go to the library.)
- $7.99 ECB from Transaction #2
= $.98 + tax, earn $12 ECB

Transaction #4 (optional)
Mix and match free-after-ECB school supplies (see list here) totaling just over $12.
- $12 ECB from Transaction #3
= free/cheap, earn $12+ ECB for next time

If you do all 4 transactions, you will have spent only $5 + tax, and you will have enough body wash to last a few months, some eye drops that you can either use or give away, and a bunch of school supplies. (Even if you don't have a kid, who can't use free scissors, notebooks, and pens? And if those are all out, you can get stuff to give away to people who do have kids and maybe are struggling financially.) AND you'll have $12 ECB to use next week! Do you see how you can get so much for free from CVS? It's not even difficult.

Here are some tips:
- If you do multiple transactions, do one and then go to the back of the line (if there is one) so other people can get their transactions done without waiting for you to do 4 transactions. Most cashiers are used to doing multiple transactions for people though so don't feel bad. Just say, "I'm going to do a few transactions today. Here's the first one."
- If you can't find something, ask someone. I know my CVS stores pretty well but last night I just could not find the scissors that are free after ECB. Finally I asked someone and he led me right to them.
- If they are out of something, get a rain check! It might throw off your transactions a bit (but you can think on your feet, right?) if something is out of stock, but if you get a rain check you can come back at any time - even after Tuesday - to get the item at the sale price and get the ECBs.

And feel free to ask me any questions!


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