Things that made me smile today:

Jun 30, 2009 22:39

Things that made me smile today:
+ Getting done with work extra quickly for no apparent reason
+ Finding out that my modeling agent only accepts 5-10 adults each year... and I was one of them
+ Having good friends over for dinner
+ Their comments on how great the living/dining rooms look
+ Their shocked reactions when told Mandy is 13 years old
+ Isaac being the grillmaster and making some rockin' pork loin wrapped in bacon
+ Showing them all our Europe pics and telling all our stories
+ Giving them some Starbucks ice cream to take home
+ Doing the dishes as soon as they leave so they're not waiting for me in the morning, while singing and dancing along with a great CD, with a hard cider in reach.
+ A husband who loves me, waiting in bed for me

This is my life. I am grateful.

happiness, domestic stuff, my life, food, modeling, work at wcfc, marriage

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