(no subject)

Feb 18, 2007 18:34


Alright, so I was in some store shopping for things for college (I was home for spring break or something). I was with my parents and I was getting the usual shit. Then I saw this one bag of stuff called an ODDR Survival Pack. It was an olive green shoulder backpack thing with "ODDR" on it in orange letters. I even remember the font of the letters. It was $137. I convinced my dad to buy it for me. Inside were really random stuff, none of it even relating to DDR. There was like, band-aids, notebooks, a water bottle, and stuff to go bungee jumping and rappelling with. So I bring it back to my dorm, and my dorm-mates happened to be some of my friends from back home who I haven't seen or talked to in ages (Kevin P and Eric, for example). I was like "I want to go bungee jumping!" So we got our gear and walked past a McDonald's to get to this ravine. We started setting all our shit up, then proceeded to jump into the ravine.
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