Sep 11, 2004 16:51 and mike seperated...the first couple days of hishschool was hell! apparently kathe is in one of my clases which is a god send. today i got my ear pierced... Its september 11th. a very sad day.(gone but not forgotten)today i am going to my grandmas for ellies birthday. She is two...which means tomorrow cameron is going to be 2!!!! YAY girls happy birthdays. they are my princesses i love them so much. and after ellies party i am going to lauras and babysitting for laura. I get to watch morgan and troy. I went to skate night last night and it sucked! apparently samsaid something to me and i was going to tell chrissy for fuck off...u know what that was all crap and i dont want to get involved. I was so happy to go to schoo b.c. i got to see all the bitches and jackasses i missed all summer (j.k.) but i did get to see so many people. well i gotta go to ellies party...bye