Fortunately, I don't have any family on the East Coast, but I have a few friends in New York who are doing okay.
Climate change? What climate change? Yeah, no.
Unfortunately, I am super-swamped with studying and working and blah blah blah or I would offer to do a fic for fandomaid. This time, however, I've posted this on the Custom Requests
Username: kim_j_8472
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Request: JohnLock fanvid featuring Mika's
"Make You Happy" (Miami Edit) and as many angst-ridden moments mixed with heart-breaking affection between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Additional Information: I don't mind clips from the two actors' other works as long as the differences aren't too jarring (different hair color, glasses, period pieces, etc.)
I am willing to donate: $50 USD for something really amazing
I'm serious. I really love Mika's new song from his "Origins of Love" album. And the first time I heard it, all I could think about was Sherlock fandom. I really need to soak my head. I've never requested a fanvid of anything, so if you know of someone who can do this really well and would enjoy it, let them know.