As per usual, I haven't updated in a very long time...a whole semester to be exact. It was a pretty good semester but a little too stressful.
Perhaps a good way to update you all on what has been going on is to make a list:
Things that are different in my life:
- I'm living with Colleen again in Eddy!! I moved out of New and I'm a Mentor now (yes, people call me Mentor Kim) I've enjoyed having a roommate I adore, get along so well with, and can vent to without so many back stories (because she knows my whole life and I know's really great)
- I'm the Stage Manager for Dance Adelphi and I have two FABULOUS assistants.
- I'm already behind in most of my classes due to my laziness and overload of things I need to do for Dance.
- I'm not in a relationship right now...which is really odd since I used to hop from one relationship to another like it was my job. (I was however in a relationship last semester but that's a very long complicated story that isn't even over yet....)
- My mom and I are getting along so much better now. I stopped at home yesterday for a dermatologist appointment and she and I ended up talking for quite sometime about everything that is going on right now.
- I'm okay with Rent closing. I've realized that it's time for it to go. Plus, if I really need my rent fix, I'm sure I can go see the tour (there's one coming around here in June)
- I'm NOT okay with Heath Ledger dying. Such a great actor.
- I only have eight piercings again (I had nine last semester) Five in my right ear and three in my left. I still couldn't sleep on my left side from when I had my cartilage pierced so I took it out and now I sleep just fine.
- I went on the most amazing vacation with Tierney and Erin over break....we went to Turks and Caicos for five days and it was the most relaxing time in my life. The pictures I took do not do the place was beautiful all the time.
That's about it for now....I should probably go shower and start my day since it is going to be jam packed with so many activities. (Three classes and so many errands to run)
-xoxo Kim