Nov 23, 2004 21:00
Sunday- On sunday we had the third game of the tournament. I did pretty good and we won 30-11 so that was fun, but the refs suck dude. Anyways after i went to A.C moore and got my stuff for my LA project. After i went to watertown to my grandmas so my cousins could take me to the train so we could go to the celtics game. Hilary was there to and she made a sign that sed Wintah-hockey+why were here so we could get on tv. shes a die hard hockey fan. So we took the train in and that was fun. Then when we got to the game there was still 45 minutes left til it started so we hung out in the Fleet Center. Finally the game happened and they won 102-83 that was so fun. The people there were weird. It was so much fun.
Yesterday- Umm did my LA project all day and that was wicked retarted.