Okay, yeah, I suck

Jan 25, 2013 21:18

I was doing so well with the writing every day thing. I wish I could say I screwed up because I was doing other more productive things, but no. Well that's not entirely true...no, it's true. I didn't do much productive.

I wrote a tiny bit on a new WIP. I abandoned my NaNo, but I really want to go back to that. Maybe if I can get myself together tomorrow I will. I didn't do enough to justify not writing here.

I did write a few posts that were just for me so if there's something you can't read, it's not you. Some things I need to write down for me and no one else. Remember the old axiom? Write for yourself first? That's what I was doing. Okay, no, I wasn't. I was bitching, moaning, whining, and woe-is-meing, but it was healthy so go me. It helped me work out a few things in my head and my heart. I've got some more things to work out so expect the locked posts to be more multiple than these happy roller coaster rides.

I went to church a couple of weeks ago for the first time since God was sneaking cigs back behind the bleachers in high school (not that long ago, but might as well have been). I signed up for a weight loss class. I overslept last Sunday. I went to the weight loss class. I discovered the most yummy mint chocolate ice cream flavor in the history of woe and damn. OM fricken G. So good. No, not on the new diet. It's the first week. It was just one bowl and it's been a long ass week. As Scarlett would say I'll think about that tomorrow. I lost 25 pounds between December 1 and last night. I'm ahead of the game. I'm not sure it's going to work out. This guy wants me to stop drinking Diet Coke. Yes, I did ask him if there were any medications that he was on that I should know about or if he'd like suggestions of some I think he would find beneficial. You can have my Diet Coke when you pry the empty can from my cold, dead hands.

I have a massive to do list for tomorrow. I figure I'll sleep in, Just thinking about it makes me tired.

One of my lovely coworkers informed us that he has Influenza A. He has a nice face mask to keep others from getting infected. Evidently the face mask is retroactively effective because none of us could have possibly caught his germs any other days of the week that he's been sneezing and coughing over every surface in the building. No, I did not get a flu shot. Every time I get the flu shot, I get the flu and end up delirious in bed being forced to watch a Harry Potter marathon by Jake. I just recently started going days at a time without the little bastard from popping up at every turn. I'm not inviting that madness back again. If any of you hear that I'm sick and that I'm at Jake's mercy again, please, kill Titus.*

I'm still mulling over my vacation plans. I'd like to take the next three weeks off, but that would make for a very long year. Also my boss knows where I live since he had to come get me when my car was in the snow drift. I wouldn't get any peace at home. I may take a week the first of February or maybe a week in March.

Happy news! Mike broke up with his girlfriend so she will not be moving in with him and his dad. Honestly, I just cannot even begin to fathom any of that. What the hell were all three of them thinking? Just to keep you up on all the drama, the ex is now dating his ex-girlfriend's next door neighbor. Oh yeah, I married that. If I could go back in time, I would shake myself until young me's eyeballs popped out. What the ever loving fuck was I thinking? Oh yeah, I wasn't. Freedom is sweet.

Anywho.... All things considered, I'm doing pretty good. It might be the ice cream talking, but I'm feeling mellow tonight. I might find a good book on my Kindle and snuggle up with a dream. Good night, friends.

*You mean to tell me you haven't seen Christopher Titus's Comedy Central special? You poor, sad soul.

writing, life, tv, kids

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