Haven't hit the roof since I don't know when

May 31, 2012 09:44

Hey guys. Sorry - I meant to call, but I've been stranded on a primitive planet - oh wait that was Ford Prefect.

I'm stranded on a primitive planet, but so are you so no excuse. A few things:

My brother's incurable, inoperable cancer? They operated and he's cured. One in ten thousand cases of Pancreatic Cancer go into remission and fewer than that end up cancer free and my brother is now cancer free. Most people die of the chemo and radiation, but he beat it.

Demon Spawn graduates on Sunday from high school. He's been acting like his dad so I'm not throwing him a party. My mother has taken pity on him and is having one at her house. He's decided to move in with his dad and go to a college with a branch twenty minutes from my house. I'm not at all upset about that.

I couldn't have had one at my house anyway. My surgery last month went great. The robot removed my uterus without a problem. I got a card from the recovery room nurse yesterday. I don't remember being in the recovery room, but apparently I was a big hit in my drugged state. I bet if I'd gotten hooked on drugs in college I would have had a great stand up career. Thanks, Nancy Reagan. Bitch. Just say no to my ass.

My recovery hasn't been going quite so well. Instead of waiting the prescribed 4-6 weeks to go back to work, I went back the week after. Six weeks is up next Wednesday for those playing the home game. I've had some issues that are TMI in nature, but I think they're just about resolved. I'm at work now so fill in your cards.

I've lost ten pounds and my clothes are loose. I'm trying to think what other organs I can have removed to get down to my college weight.

I haven't written anything or read anything. I'm beginning to get twitchy. Nothing's been holding my interest. I've been doing a little editing on last year's NaNo to make it writable. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Someone bought another copy of my book last month! You know what that means - royalty deposit! I'm getting $10.50! Today! I'm going to use $8 of it to pay my Netflix subscription then use the rest to buy a Whatchamacalit and a Diet Coke. Now I know how James Patterson and Nora Roberts feel.

Got a bazillion things to do so hopefully more later.

writing, update, tom, surgery, kids

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