Looking back, looking forward

Jun 03, 2011 15:10

 I was reading my LJ posts from last year to see when exactly the big days of my house purchasing occurred. June 3 last year I was just finishing up the dining room painting and wondering if I'd ever get to move in. I also found lots of posts about books and family. I used to be funny on a regular basis. I'd forgotten I have a sense of humor.

It's been a hard week. I found out my brother has pancreatic cancer on Monday and I've been busy feeling sorry for myself all week. His week was obviously harder than mine, but I bet I cried more. I'm feeling the need to put my chin up and be strong (and hopefully funny) for him. We'll see how well it goes over. He posted on his journal that he's still him so I think he would like it if I be me. That's really all I want to say about that today.

I've been reading a lot lately, but most of it is for Nocturne so I have to review it there. I feel kind of bad. I read all the books they sent me weeks ago and I haven't reviewed them yet. That's probably going to be first thing on the agenda this weekend.

I feel so boring right now. Not bored, boring. I used to write interesting things. I need to look into that...

shut up wesley, tom, reviewing, house

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