A Snuggie Night

Oct 05, 2010 22:27

I'm getting my NaNoWriMo prep into high gear tonight. I bought a new cheapy rolling computer desk and set it up behind a couch. I can't find my spare keyboard though so I'm going to have to locate one before November 1. My plan is to set up a private office in plain sight. I'm going to build (have built) a set of shelves to hide me. I've also located my Snuggie, but its got places that need to be sewn back together. That should be a simple fix. I also need to locate my USB octopus for quick hook ups and releases for the laptop to the mouse and keyboard. I'm writing on top of the desk and my wrists are already hurting after just this little bit of typing. I need to remember to bring my chill pad home from work to keep my fleet fingers from overheating the novelling machine.

The hard part of getting ready will be going completely off Facebook. Playing games on there is death for creativity. Twitter helped me last year. Facebook is teh ebil.

I've ordered my shirt, but I haven't made a donation yet. One thing at a time for now.

I've written a tentative synopsis here.

I need to find a progress counter. I need to figure out an ending so I know what I'm shooting for. I'm borderline on whether or not I'm going to write this for public consumption. I wasn't writing Harry for public consumption (thus Chapter 2 and its infamous dirty words) and I finished. I went into last years attempt looking for my next book for my shelf and failed miserably. I ended up writing what I wanted to write for Harry then tweaking it slightly. For Kissing Dolphins, I wrote what I thought others might want to read and got discouraged. I had a last minute surge and I probably could have gotten to the 50k if I had started just slightly earlier. It came down to simple math and the laws of physics. I canna make my fingers move any faster, cap'n. Last year I wrote 9,268 words on the 29th and 14,980 on the 30th. How many of those words were a in depth study of "American Pie"? I'll never tell.

Another must do before November 1 is set up a playlist. Back in the day I used to burn CDs with specific writing projects in mind. I may go old school and try that again. What would go on this playlist? You'd be surprised actually. Jonathan Coulton has fueled most of my plotting. The problem is I may have burned myself out on him before I get started. "I'm Your Moon," "Make You Cry," "You Ruined Everything," "Big Bad World One," "Pull the String," "My Monkey," "You Could Be Her," and "Take Care of Me" have been playing in the background the entire time my main character has been telling me what she wants to say, but the inspiration for the entire story was "So Far So Good" by JC and "Happiness Is" by the Verve Pipe. Who are the Verve Pipe you ask? Google it. Now go away, kid, you bother me.

Nighty night all. Bed time.

music, writing, nano

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