Mar 26, 2010 22:26
So when I didn't put in a counter offer, the mysterious other buyer withdrew their bid on the Brady Bunch house. The offer was rescinded the day after I specifically told my agent I would not get into a bidding war. Smells like the listing agent wants this one for herself and she's saving up.
I'm afraid to get my hopes up on that one again.
What's funny is people in my realtor's office have stopped calling it the Valley Drive house and started calling it the Brady house. Dance, my monkeys, dance!
I've had a Facebook backslide. Everybody keeps sending me Easter eggs for my farm and my zoo and the little sheep with the egg bobbles are so cute and and the Easter maps will expire in 9 days and the Loch Ness Monsters are only 99 cents each and and and... plus if I didn't have Facebook, I wouldn't have known the Brady house is back on the market.
I was really stressed out about buying that house to the point I couldn't sleep on my side because my shoulders and neck were too knotted with tension. It was just starting to relax and now it's knotting up again. What if I buy it and all the plumbing has to be replaced? My credit card only has a $400 limit on it so I seriously doubt it can take the strain. I can do the little things plumbing wise, but when I have to go behind the walls - what if there are spiders? Or worse.
I sent my realtor a message. I'm going to go look at it again and take better pictures. I was too excited and the kids were running everywhere to do a good job last time. I'm going to take a better flash light and a ladder.
Now if I can talk my boss into letting me go back to full time pay...