...I actually did work this morning instead of hang out on the internet. I got a lot of work done. I imagine if I only did my job while at my job, I could have everything I do every week done in about six hours. Don't tell my boss.
I made a lot of new friends yesterday thanks to
firesign10! Thanks, Carole and welcome to my reality, new people. Pull up a chair and help yourself to punch and cookies.
I looked at a house yesterday. It was falling down. *sigh* I want the Barbie Dreamhouse, I'm looking at
the Weeble Wobble Camper only crappier and smaller. My realtor said I could make a counter offer on the Brady Bunch house, but really I am in no position to get into a bidding war. I hope whoever bought gets their bead curtains in a knot. Not cool.
You aren't going to believe this, but I took a bike ride yesterday. That's my exercise for this year done. I took my mom's bike and it was a complete mess. No oil on the chain. The chain wasn't even on the gears right so I had to fix that.
It was dirty and before I could go, Mike had to come outside and make sure the spider I saw staring at me while I was cleaning it up and fixing it didn't go on my ride with me. They heard me scream across the yard and inside the house over the dueling video games and Simpsons episode. Mike knew immediately why I was screaming and was already pulling on his shoes when I called his cell for him to come save me. He's such a good boy.
Jake on the other hand made fun of me when I got back. "God, mom, you're such a little girl." Um duh? This also explains why I called Mike to come save me and not Jake.
It's raining today, but I may try riding again anyway. I have a person of interest and he likes to ride. I used to spend my entire summer on my bike when I was a kid and maybe if I had someone to ride with (like I had back then) I might ride more than once a year. Before you all freak out thinking I may be thinking about being a girl again, he's just a friend.
I'm gradually weaning myself away from Facebook. I've got a couple of goals I want to reach on the games I'm playing and I know if I give them up all together I'll disappoint some people so I'm not going to give it up entirely, but I might be able to get back to writing some if I can spend less time there.
I realize I may have a problem drawing the line between real animals and game animals. I caught myself thinking about how much pain the pretend goats and cows would be in if I didn't go back to milk them every day and came to the conclusion I need to step away from the Farmville. I never liked the visual of going after the animals with a scythe anyway.
I also used to cry if Mike's Tamagotchi died. I am pathetic. It's part of my charm.
Still working on Payroll so I'm outtie. I may come back later and post again. I remember back in the Third Watch days posting four or five times a day. I think my all time high was eleven in one day. I couldn't tell you now what was so fricken important that I had to make eleven posts.
Anyway, later :)