Jul 24, 2008 15:20
Or maybe it's just my boss and my kids that don't listen to me, but anyway...
We just got a call from the water company. We have to move our absolutely fabulous office trailer because it's covering the meter.
Who said "hey, that's covering the water meter, not to mention it's going to sink in the mud" while they were parking the sucker? Oh yeah, it was me.
So this trailer has had two weeks to sink itself crooked (I have to walk uphill to my office and slide sideways into my desk everytime I sit down) and it HAS to be moved or the city will move it.
Did I tell you it took five days and over $200 to get the phone company to run lines to the trailer? Well guess what, Mr. Oh-who-cares-let-me-mock-you-for-a-while, I goddamnfucking told you so! Don't bitch at me, just sign damn the check.
Guess what else - the roof I tried to get replaced three months ago, but it was too expensive and Mr. It's-too-expensive-just-forget-about-it-and-it'll-go-away didn't want to do it - has leaked so much that the ceiling insulation is soaked and has started a mold extravaganza in the ceiling, down the walls, outside around the windows (that I told him weren't installed correctly when they got put in)*, and down the side of the rock front of the building. So now all that nice pretty drywall he just finished putting in on Friday is going to be ruined when they take the abso-fricken-lutely loaded with water insulation down.
Hello, common sense? Where the fuck have you been? Oh yeah, you came by disguised as me and nobody listened. Bad choice, kid. I'm invisible.
The boss gets back on Monday so I'm saving the I Told You So dance for in person. I hate it when people treat me like I'm a hormonal idiot who knows nothing about construction. Let me show you my skillz with a power drill. I rock home improvement. Trufax.
*I'm not talking out my ass about the windows, I worked for a window manufacturer in college.