And now is the time on Sprockets when we bitch

Jul 24, 2007 14:12

...and now I don't have to. (don't click it if you don't want to read a blow by blow commentary, but it's fricken hilarious) From my post of a while ago

I swear to fricken God Six Apart and LJ are turning into the thought police. This really really sucks. I mean, yes, they've been getting almost Bush Administration in their crackdown on porn and *gasp* breastfeeding icons (teh horrez how dare they feed their CHILDREN!!), but this is new and improved asshattery.

For the record, I did buy a copy of Deathly Hallows. I used Mr. Mightygodking's Live Journal to find the best parts and then passed the book on to my kids who I bought the fricken book for. I have bought every single one of the Potter books, sometimes twice when the first copy got destroyed before it could be read to entirety. I even tried to read them once myself for pity's sake.

That said, LJ thought police, kiss my ass.

Now, I personally have a big problem with kiddie porn and I'm happy that LJ took a stand against it, but this crack down on a person for publishing their review of a book that's already come out is moronic. Yes, I realize he put the review up before the book released, but when asked, he took it back down and waited until the day after to post it again. I don't know him so it's not like I'm hoping for sockpuppet status. This is indicative of a bigger problem.

Spoilers are illegal on LJ? Holy fuck I'm in trouble. I've linked to hundreds of Third Watch spoilers. What about the dozens of communities that were set up SPECIFICALLY for spoilers? spoil_me_dh leaps immediately to mind.

Suspending journals because some woman in Scotland has her knickers in a twist and is desperate for her last bit of attention is idiotic. Why doesn't she go swim in her money vault and leave us peasants alone?

And like I said, this isn't LJ and 6A's first crack at random censorship. And it is random. I've posted my fair share of porn in the day and here I still sit with my account intact. I should see if I can find a picture of me back in the day breastfeeding my kids. Heaven forbid someone do something natural and healthy and then talk about it! Dirty girls! Of course, nothing is said about all the sex communities that saturate the servers so long as they put a warning for all little kiddies stay away on the info page. That'll stop 'em!

I realize this is all a little disjointed and all over the place, but stupid shit makes my head explode. Do you know how hard it is to see what I've already typed with blood and brains on the screen?

Not that I think the sex communities need to go. If that's your thing and you're not hurting anybody (that's not into that sort of thing obviously), knock your kinky socks off. Spread love, not war.

If they want to crack down and burn down the site so that only the pious and holier than thou post here, then they need to let us sinners know so we can take our shit over to Journalfen or GJ. They shouldn't just pick and choose who can speak and who can't.

I guess this boils down to my inability to stomach hypocrites and censorship. Yeah, it's their site and their servers, but they need to make the rules uniform for everybody and not change them without even a hint of warning.


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