Word eating commences in 5-4-3-2-

Jul 16, 2007 13:35

Went and saw the new Harry Potter with the kids this weekend. I'm ashamed to admit it was the best movie I've seen this year. I really liked it. I'm going to have to apologize to Harry Potter for calling him a little bastard. If he were a real person, that is. Also I retract my numerous Potter brat comments. I'm keeping the Harry Potter is a filthy manwhore icon though because he is. Naughty monkey. It should be illegal for someone illegal to have abs like that.

Something strange and wonderful happened before the movie too. It was a banner day I tell you! We went straight to Barnes & Noble and I paid them each $10 not to whine or bug me while I basked in the book and internet access love. I was sitting at a table big enough for all three of us to sit and you are not going to believe this...Mike and Jake both read books. Really read them. In public. About two hours later, I asked them if they were ready to go to the movie and they said - get this - Not Yet *does happy kids are reading and not bitching about spending hours at B&N dance*

But as I was saying about wizards with six packs....

My favorite part of the movie wasn't actually in the movie, but in the theater. Right after Harry goes all zombie then kicks Voldie out of his body by thinking about groping Hermione and other happy stuff, the head wizard guy shows up, Fudge. Fudge doesn't belive that Voldemort is back until he sees him standing over Harry in the sand (how the sand gets there is the second favorite part of the movie).

Fudge: He's back!

Everyone in the theater: No shit Sherlock!

Well Duh!

Look who finally caught up!



Jake: What a dumbass.

Mike and I were laughing our asses off and getting shushed by the five year old behind us.

I must say Harry Potter looks more natural as a zombie because he's so fricken pale. Poor kid needs to get out more. Did you see the black and white photo of Daniel Radcliffe standing in front of a white horse? If it weren't for the treasure trail, he'd be completely invisible. It's like a naked Where's Waldo.*

*Quick poll: Going to hell? Y/YY/MFY

Another thing that I'm doing and I'm not exactly sure why is posting my movie experience /\ behind a cut tag. How do you spoil a movie that's been out as a book for years? But hey, I'm all about internet courtesy. Or not, but I don't want a fire storm.

The kids were super duper generous for my birthday. They went all out Saturday buying me season 2 of Extras, a book (it was so good, I started reading it after the movie and didn't put it down until I finished it at 3am), another book about writing, three writing magazines, a Mamas & Papas greatest hits, two hot water dispensers (one for work, one for home mmmmtea), and a purse sized tin of Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea. They love their mommy.

My boss in a rare burst of appreciation for my years of service and dedication to my job, bought me a new office chair. It'll be delivered on Wednesday. Okay, he didn't find out until after I bought it and once I explained to him why he bought it (the appreciation thing) he had the good sense not to bitch about the price. It's lovely and quite comfy. Score!

I've gotten exactly dick done at work today. I did do some cleaning and rearranging. I've had two yummy cups of tea though. That's important.

Oh since I can't seem to finish one thought before starting another, back to Barnes & Noble, I almost convinced the music geek in the back to go see the Harry Potter movie with us. He told me he likes my taste in music. Happy birthday to me :)

Thank you all for the birthday wishes *HUGS* Next stop the friends page to ramble incoherently to you all individually.

music, heaven, harry potter stalking me, movies, birthday, kids, tea

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