Jul 20, 2002 21:46
[name] kimberly ann edmands
[home] Masshole
[age] 15
[birthday] january 30th
[grade] 10th
[class of] 05
[sign] aquarius
[eye color] Hazel
[hair] brown
[bf/gf] nope :( he no lover me
[school] lhs
[clothing style] like everthing from w/v
[pets] 3 kitties ;)
[band] dont have 1 :/
[music genre] Pop?!?!
[color crayon] Peach
[juice flavor] Pinapple
[cereal] Lucky Charms!
[jolly rancher flavor] watermellon :P
[skittle flavor] Lime
[color m & m] non
[kind of cookie] sugar
[hangout] sh-booms (hott guys mel)
[day] sunday
[month] july
[season] spring~!!
[shoes] Converse
[restaurants] Wendys ;D
[cars] crvs // Jeep cherokee
[star wars character] umm..no!
[simpsons character] liSa
[kitchen appliance] spoon!
[color of lava lamp] multi-colored
[person to talk to online] Kenny, Ryan
[person to talk to on the phone] Ashley
[memories] WATER FIGHT but many more!
*this or that*
[boxers or briefs?] boxers :x
[plaid or striped?] depends..
[urban legend or the faculty?] URBAN LEGENDS!!
[star trek or star wars?] NEITHER!
[alt or rap?] rAp
[ska or punk?] pUnK
[classical or country?] country ;x
[salt or pepper?] salt
[coke or pepsi?] coke
[dr. pepper or mr. pibb?] dr pepper!
[sprite, slice, or 7-up?] sprite
[skittles-original, tropical, or wildberry?] tropical
[m & m's-regular, peanut, peanut-butter, or almond?] peanut butter
[hershey's-hugs or kisses] kisses :x
[jolly ranchers or jolly rancher bubble gum?] jolly rancher chewys
[v-8 or hi-C?] hi-C
[ken or barbie?] uh oh... haha ken becuz i wuvers kenny but ill be kennys barbie girl!
[bleh or blah?] blah
[okay, ok, or o.k.?] ok
[mono or stereo?] Stereo
[shake or stir?] shake ur buns
[pens, crayons, pastels, or colored pencils?] pens
[bright colors or dark colors] BRIGHT!
[snap,crackle, or pop?] rice krispies!
[half-empty or half-full?] half full
[adidas, nike, fila, or reebok?] adidas
[sunshine or rain?] SUN~!@!
[rain or snow?] rain oh so sexy!
[sun or moon?] both...
[silver or gold?] both
[frogs or toads?] frogs!
[cds or cassettes?] CDS
[wild or mild?] mild tasting haha
[rupaul or dennis rodman?] say wha!
[bsb or nsync?] nsync
[keyboards-the normal kind or the separated kind?] normal
*short answer*
[left handed or right handed?] left
[are you smart?] no me dumb as a door nob
[whats your middle name?] ann
[how many personalities do you have?] alot
[how many piercings do you have?] 6
[tattoos?] no
[do you like v-8?] yes
[what was your first word?] oh baby!
[are you superstitious?] sorta?
[do you read your horoscope?] all the time!
[do you believe in that stuff?] sometimes
[can you do a cartwheel?] yes
[do you have bangs?] i unno its more like angeled..
[can you drive?] ya but i dont got a permit haha
[what do you drive?] my moms car haha
[do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?] lick em!good!
[do you keep a journal?] yes
[what languages do you know?] english, latin, spanish
[what's the best awards show?] MtV music awards!
[do you like cotton candy?] no...
[do you like pina coladas?] YES
[what do you sleep in?] pJs..boxers & a lil tank
[how many pillows do you have?] 3
[how many cds do you have?] not alot
[how many times have you moved houses?] non
[is your room messy?] yes haha
[do you like your handwriting?] kinda!
[do you like to fingerpaint?] YES!
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] i used to, now ther on my burow
[do you sleep with socks on?] when its really cold
[are you ticklish?] YES
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 floors?] 4 if u count the basement and attick
[do you have a basement or an attic?] both!!
[did you go to preschool?] yupp!
[are you a morning person?] kinda when i want to be
[do you like classical music?] nah..
*hard questions*
[would you rather be tall or short?] tall
[would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?] freeze
[do you think guys or girls have it easier?] GUYS DEF!!
[would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?] maybe..
[if you had a band what would you name it?] Dream... but thats taken!
[gonna go to college?] yup
[where do you want to live?] florida
[if you had to dye your hair right now, what color would you make it?] light brown
[if you had to get a body piercing right now where would it be?] nose
[if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?] cross
[if you were gonna be stuck on a deserted tropical island forever with one other person who would you want it to be?] someone special <3
01. what do you think of the way you look? hmm..i guess thats how god wanted me to look
02. what do you think about your attitude? it sucks
03. what do you think about the first person that loved you? asshole!!!!
04. what do you think about karma? stupid
05. what do you think about love? i have bad luck with it
06. what do you think about fate? theres a such thing
07. what do you think about yourself? nothing really
08. what do you think about the french?that they kiss goooooood
09. what do you tell yourself when times get hard? i smile and push my way through it
10. what would you give your life for? happiness
11. what was the saddest moment of your life so far? sept 11th
13. what would life be without family? nothing.
.about dreams
14. do you dream a lot at night? ya and i wish those would come tru
15. do you dream in black and white, or colour? color
16. do you remember any of your dreams? yes
17. where is your dream make-out spot? in the water haha but that happened but i cant remember it cuz i was cockeddddddd
18. what is your dream kiss like? with someone i love
19. what is your dream job? lawyer
20. where is your dream house? it depends..
21. do you think i'm too sexy for milan, new york and japan? huh
.do you ..
27. .. write in a journal or diary? yeah
28. .. keep an organizer? nope
29. .. believe in love at first sight? yup...
30. .. believe that every person has one soul mate? yes
31. .. believe in having a good education? yes
32. .. believe in horoscopes? yeah
33. .. believe in yourself? sometimes
34. .. shower daily? yes def!
35. .. like this survey so far? it's okie..
36. .. like the person that sent you this/posted this? umm..i stole it from her haha sorry
37. .. cry easily? yea
38. .. believe in heaven / hell? yes
39. .. believe in god? yes
40. .. believe in angels/ghosts or other such things? def.!
41. day of the week: sunday
42. ice-cream: vanilla
43. movies: too many ;x
44. actors: john hartnett
45. actresses: jennifer love hewitt
46. quote: live life to its fullest ull never know when it'll end
47. holiday: christmas
48. season: spring
49. colors: pink & baby blue
50. flowers: white roses!!
51. school subject: study!
52. town: hampton- or worcester
53. country: US
54. drink: dr. pepper
55. food: cereal..
56. thing to wear:clothes
57. music: anything
58. page on the internet: umm..
59. place in your house: my room!
60. animal: dolphin
61. crush/boyfriend/girlfriend's name: kenny
62. what is a big turn on for you? personality!!! ;)
63. where does that special someone live? holden...
64. things you like in the opposite sex? personality, looks, butts!!
65. when was your first kiss? 5th
66. do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and start crying? when im upset ya
67. the most fucked up thing you've ever done to get someones attention is? tripped his sister!
68. which is more important - personality or looks? personality, but looks help ;x
69. favorite position, top or below? below ya baby haha
70. have you had sex? uh.....
.creative questions
71. if you had the chance to speak with william shatner what would you say to him? whos he
72. what color do you think best describes you and why? baby blye- im happy
73. if you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing? chillen w/my crush!
74. does the idea of leprechauns scare you? nope, they make me laugh!
75. have you ever wanted to make someone cry for no reason? yes
76. have you ever written on a mirror? all the time!
77. if you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?sleep cuz im tired
78. do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed: my cozy bed
79. what is the most beautiful thing in the world? him!
80. name one person whose changed your life for the better: my mom somehow
81. did gym class or team sports traumatize you as a child? no
82. if you had to let go of a really loud fart who would you be most comfortable around? omg..
83. if someone could pop their eyeballs right out of the sockets would that impress you? omg, no!
84. if you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why? jenn love hewitt cuz shes my idol
85. what makes you you? myself
.school: have you ever ..
86. skipped school? yea
87. skipped a class? yeah
88. slept through a class? no
89. thrown things at the teacher, and what did you throw? yes, paper balls
90. done mean things to people in your class? nah
91. cheated on tests? yupp
92. plagarized? yes eeep
92. copied someone else's work? yes!!
93. been suspended, and for what? no
94. been expelled, and for what? no
95. had detention? nope
96. brought a weapon to school, and what was it? no
97. stolen something from someone at school? no?
98. had drugs in your posession at school? never
99. harrassed anyone in school? no
100. bought a teacher a flower? yes
.home: have you ever ..
102. snuck out and been caught? ynever caught
103. snuck out and got away with it? yea
104. hit a family member? yes
105. been grounded for a month or more? no
106. had a party at your house unsupervised? yes
107. broken something & lied about it? no
108. stolen money from your family members? haha oops
109. had a fistfight with your sibling? nah
110. gotten in trouble for bad grades? no
.drugs: have you ever ..
111. smoked cigarettes? yea... no more they're bad
112. drank alcohol? yeh
113. been so drunk you passed out? not really......
114. puked from drug usage? never!
115. sniffed permanent markers or white out to get "high"? no
116. smoked the killer weed (marijuana)? no...
117. smoked the killer weed (oregano)? never
118. taken any pill medication that wasn't prescribed to you? yes
119. smoked crack, or any other drug? never!!
120. tried heroin in any form? never
121. tried x? never!
122. candy flipped? nope
123. bought illegal drugs? yea for other people
124. sold illegal drugs? no
125. had an adult or older person buy you alcohol or cigarettes? yea haha
126. stolen alcohol or cigarettes from a store? no
127. driven drunk or under the influence of anything? no
128. done any unusual drugs? no
129. tried inhalants? no
130. took sleeping pills? no
131. took caffeine pills? no
132. used 3 or more drugs at once? no
132. tripped acid? no
133. hallucinated? no
134. taken a drug & swore you'd never take it again because of something that happened? never!
135. overdosed? No
136. taken something you didn't know what it was? no
137. played a game such as "who will get the drugs"? no
138. been in a drinking contest? yea haha and i lost
139. won a drinking contest? no
140. gone to school/work on drugs? no
141. been caught by your parents or any adult while you were on drugs? no
.misc: have you ever ..
142. stolen anything minor (small things)? yes
143. stolen anything major (expensive)? no
144. robbed a store/person? np
145. been caught stealing? no
146. vandalized anything? no
147. stolen anything not from a store? no
148. tampered with other people's mail? nope
149. driven illegaly? yea
150. ran from the cops? no
151. been busted by the cops for anything? no
152. been arrested? nope
153. had charges on anything filed against you? no
154. been to court? nope
155. been convicted of any crime? no
156. broken in to any place? no
157. spraypainted anything? no
158. harassed anyone? no
159. done anything under the age of consent (drink, etc.)? yes
160. had sex under the age of consent? i guess haha
161. hit or harmed anyone? no
162. broken into anyone else's stuff online? yea haha
163. hacked a persons computer or website? No
164. commited adultery? no
165. been banned from any place for any reason? yes JM AND MATT!
166. had a restraining order against you? no