Title: A Moth Drawn from Memory (1 & 2/10) Fandom: Les Miserables (book and film) Pairing: Combeferre/Grantaire Other Characters: will involve most all of Les Amis at some point
I'm sorry I'm always capslocking at you, but you sort of have to expect that after this magnificence, right? RIGHT?
Combeferre’s hand falls to Enjolras’ right shoulder in farewell just before Courfeyrac’s does the same on his left, and Enjolras raises his chin and drags from some depth a smile of genuine warmth rather than the abrupt dismissal Courfeyrac will laughingly tell Combeferre he was expecting.
Grantaire sighs, loudly and long-suffering as a mother.
Grantaire allows them both several moments, then moves to his knees before Combeferre, settling his palms carefully on Combeferre’s thighs.
“Finish your glass,” he says quietly, and Combeferre reaches for the drink before his mind can develop an argument against it. Grantaire nods, less in approval than in relief, then takes the emptied glass from Combeferre easily, setting it to rest on the table. He turns back to find Combeferre’s eyes at half-mast, colour high in his cheeks, and the drawing left reverently on the arm of the chair. Grantaire swallows hard and curves his palms once more against Combeferre’s trousers before letting them travel just bare inches higher, new invitation in his touch. Combeferre covers Grantaire’s hands with his own and then pushes forward, a small, choked sound of unfamiliar need falling from his lips before they meet Grantaire’s.
You make me care about characters I don't know anything about, and you're also damned good at proper pacing. A++ WOULD CAPSLOCK SQUEEEEEE AGAIN!
I'm sorry I'm always capslocking at you, but you sort of have to expect that after this magnificence, right? RIGHT?
Combeferre’s hand falls to Enjolras’ right shoulder in farewell just before Courfeyrac’s does the same on his left, and Enjolras raises his chin and drags from some depth a smile of genuine warmth rather than the abrupt dismissal Courfeyrac will laughingly tell Combeferre he was expecting.
Grantaire sighs, loudly and long-suffering as a mother.
Grantaire allows them both several moments, then moves to his knees before Combeferre, settling his palms carefully on Combeferre’s thighs.
“Finish your glass,” he says quietly, and Combeferre reaches for the drink before his mind can develop an argument against it. Grantaire nods, less in approval than in relief, then takes the emptied glass from Combeferre easily, setting it to rest on the table. He turns back to find Combeferre’s eyes at half-mast, colour high in his cheeks, and the drawing left reverently on the arm of the chair. Grantaire swallows hard and curves his palms once more against Combeferre’s trousers before letting them travel just bare inches higher, new invitation in his touch. Combeferre covers Grantaire’s hands with his own and then pushes forward, a small, choked sound of unfamiliar need falling from his lips before they meet Grantaire’s.
You make me care about characters I don't know anything about, and you're also damned good at proper pacing. A++ WOULD CAPSLOCK SQUEEEEEE AGAIN!
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