Title: Snap the Branches Off Me Fandom: Les Miserables (book and film) Pairing: Bahorel/Combeferre Summary: Bahorel’s having a more interesting night than usual, and it’s not half over yet.
THANK YOU OMG these gits have been in my head for weeks (and Enjolras tapping his feet impatiently in the background omg) and I could not shake them. I loved that line, too! It did kind of just type itself, and then I laughed. That's the best feeling. :D <333 I could write more of them, I think, hmm.
It's okay! Sometimes people actually get the guy wrong, too, and show Chris Milford as Bahorel instead of Iwan Lewis, but this is definitely Bahorel:
It's okay! Sometimes people actually get the guy wrong, too, and show Chris Milford as Bahorel instead of Iwan Lewis, but this is definitely Bahorel:
kiltsandlollies/bahorel_zpse1dca4b0.png" border="0" alt=" photo bahorel_zpse1dca4b0.png"/>
So you can IMAGINE him being a little shit in and out of character. :D
ALSO YOUR KILLIAN ICON OMG. ♥ ___________________ ♥
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