
Jun 11, 2012 09:48

Last week never happened, okay.

• Cee pointed me toward this lovely article by Simon Schama, on Shakespeare and his awesomeness. And then I read at the bottom that there will be Simon Schama’s Shakespeare on BBC2 later this month, and I sort of rocked in place for a few minutes and decided that the fates will bring this to me somehow. I’m sure all this had nothing to do with my marathon viewing of History of Britain this weekend, which ended with the last episode at about 12:30 this morning. @.@ At the time it was a good life decision, okay.

• This weekend I also let the 10th anniversary concert DVD of Les Miserables play in the background while I cleaned the house, and ahhh. It’s still just so perfect, with only a few minor things that aren’t. And that naturally led to me faffing around this morning image searching and landed me on Russell Crowe being awesome. These things happen. I still haven’t learned my way around the new Scrapbook format to slap up everything here, but I dearly love this one shot of him in barricade garb, just chillin like the alleged villain.


I have a detective-wearing-a-long-coat thing, I cannot lie. And, I mean, even Tommy Lee Jones wears a long, gorgeous coat as Sam Javert Gerard running after DOCK-ter Richerrrrrrd KIM-bull in that one section of The Fugitive. I would like to imagine this slightly relaxed Crowe Javert turning to a flunky and telling him to Go think me up a chocolate doughnut. But I digress.

I also really like this one wee screencap from the trailer.

Quiet! Serious! Business! Javert. We approve.

• I still haven’t seen the latest Hobbit video blog because my home connection is, well, not robust, and work hasn’t updated Flash on our computer yet, and we can’t do it ourselves. I really, really, really hate Flash and its stupid updates. Thanks to gif sets, I do know about TBC’s wee bit with the camera. :D Oh, PANDA. In the meantime, someone screencap me Andrew Lesnie and I’ll write you a drabble of your chosen pairing, whatever fandom as long as it's relatively easy to understand by osmosis.

• Never would I have ever expected all three Top Gear hosts to eventually be on Twitter, and yet, now they are, and behaving just as calmly and ridiculously as I would have expected. The most shocking thing, I think, is that May was first to get there.

• The last executive decision I made this weekend was that if I were not built like a Hobbit, I would truly enjoy being Natasha Romanoff for Halloween. Mind you, she has to get in line behind the 36 other redheads I plan to be for Halloween.

I thought I had more, but it’s Monday and I’m trying not to apply ALL THE CAFFEINE to my face at one time, and that takes more energy and willpower than you might expect. Good morning. <3

the future that they bring

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