Oh holy crap, it's hot! And supposed to get hotter. Likely near or over 100 for the week. We're not built for that kind of weather here! I'm very nearly looking forward to going to work just for the air conditioning. Our house is sweltering, and it's just under 90 today. I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like by Tuesday when the temps jump 10 degrees.
Definitely going to be a bad hair week!
Starting to catch up on the Netflix queue. Last night we watched
Knowing. This one would have benefitted immensely from better casting. How does Nicolas Cage keep getting work? He's so stilted in this that most of his V. Dramatic lines made me laugh. Plus, the glaring stupidity of being constantly worried about the fate of his son, yet always leaving him alone.
That said, I enjoyed the middle of the film. It seemed like it was raising some really interesting questions about cause and effect, random vs. determinism. Were these events truly pre-destined or did his involvement cause events to unfold? Or was this all a bizarre set of coincidences? The ambiguity - and a few really spooky scenes - is what made the film compelling for about an hour until it unfolded to an extremely unambiguous, cheeseball ending. Bummer. It could have been really excellent sci-fi with some fine-tuning and better acting.
This afternoon we watched
OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies. I can't even think of the last hilarious French film I've seen. (Have I ever seen a hilarious French film?) OMG, this movie made me laaaaaaaaugh! It just gets funnier as it goes on. Jean Dujardin - looking like a cross between Sean Connery and Peter Sellers - is pure genius playing the completely thick OSS 117, not to mention he has the most expressive eyebrows I've ever seen. It's hard to believe that he hasn't made more films.
Right, have to put down the laptop. It's too hot to be close to this thing!