I apologize in advance to anyone who's just finding this out via my LJ or my Twitter. But it's something that should be known, and I really don't have any better way to do so. Also forgive me for this being pretty well fragmented & probably updated randomly as I think up more things, but.. well.. I'm not exactly in a good state of mind right now
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I'm still in shock about this, I guess... it doesn't seem real...
I know what you mean.. Hell, I was there. I saw his body before the coroner took him away. I still can't believe he's dead.. he was so young, and this was such a surprise.
If it was just a big joke, I'd deck him for it. Part of me wishes it was so I could, just so I'd know he was alive :C
I'm sorry you had to experience that... I don't know how I would deal, personally.. I admire how well you (seem to be) handling this. I just have so many constant, intrusive fears of people I care about dying.
I wish it was a joke, too. It's a terrible joke. But yes, at least he'd still be here. :/
Do you know yet if there will be any kind of showing or memorial for him? I won't be able to attend, but Battie would like to know for sure so she can say goodbye, if you're not already in contact with her.
Battie and i are in contact. I called her myself the day i found him. She deserved to know. Just that simple.
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