Life goes. I'm TAing
Chem 1b, the second term of freshman chemistry at Caltech. I know this stuff way less well than the first term stuff (right now we're going through , racing through, rather, thermo and some minor kinetics). I'm still trying to finish up my class from last term, adv. ligand field theory, and additionally trying to actually do some research, although that's been put on a back burner since all my bacteria died and I was at first lazy about emailing for more, but now they are being slow about getting back to me.
I got a W-2 today. I feel ridiculous for being excited about getting tax forms, but so it goes. But Caltech also owes me a 1099, because all academic money is stupid, so I get to wait for that too.
Family in town this weekend for funerary stuff. Roy, a member of the family while not-actually-being-related passed away in late November, just after Thanksgiving. He was old, and not well, but it still hurt a lot. He was the first engineer I ever met, the first one to tell me how to convert fahrenheit to celsius, and he could royally thrash me at Scrabble. I get his barometer, which is a beautiful wall hung one, in scrolly type woodwork, complete with a thermometer, and, um, something else. Anyway, all the family is in town this weekend, and we'll be taking his ashes somewhere.
That's about the long and the short of it, or at least what I can think of right now.
I recently updated my
outdoors journal with my Yosemite trip from last summer, if you care about such things. I hope to add the couple of hikes since then shortly, although I am mostly lacking in photos from those.