The Two O'clock At Half Past

Sep 18, 2005 17:34

The one hundred years of the life of Greenwich Village wasn't long in the life of the earth, but for a nation not yet three centuries old, such a legacy was significant. While it had been years since any starving artist could afford to live in the trendy district, the rebellious bohemian spirit, buoyed along by the aura of the university, had lived ( Read more... )

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kilraven September 23 2005, 03:56:17 UTC
"You did not ask."

Kilraven leaned back in his chair again, the changing light now striking his right side. Without preamble, he launched upon a strange story.

"I was made upon the fifth day, along with the creatures of the sea and air. Like all of my kind and as your kind would later have, I was given free will and thus the first choice before me was remaining in the demiurge's fold, or departing to walk the new world being crafted. Those who chose to remain, became the celestial host. Those, like myself, who chose to turn away and be a part of this world, became something else.

"I use the named cthonian. You would better know us as demons.

"Though I am her elder, Lilith, mother of the lilu, is of my brethren.

"So, perhaps you see now that I use the term lilu, not in judgment, but because it is among the oldest names for Lilith's children that is still remembered in your tongues, dating back to the time of Babylon. I do not judge her progeny. They are, what they are, just as you, daughter of Eve, are what you are."

The demon steepled his fingers.

"And I am what I am. One of those things, is to be counsel to the sons and daughters of Adam, especially those who are drawn into the twilight. That would include you."

Kilraven smiled over his fingertips. It's a milder expression that isn't so pointed and challenging as his previous manner.

"Are you more at ease knowing these things?"


sophie_durga September 26 2005, 06:09:13 UTC
“A demon?” Sophie whispered, “So you are almost as old as the earth itself. “ The scientific pert of her mind fought against his words, the unspoken contradiction to Darwin’s theory, but in her heart she believed his words were true.

Nodding slowly, thoughtfully, she confirmed she was happy with his description. “I have one question, for the moment, which must be cleared before I can continue. Do I understand correctly that you are free to wander the earth, not summoned by Invocation or sacrifice?”

OCC: Sorry for delay, bit of a hectic few days.


kilraven September 26 2005, 18:37:44 UTC
Kilraven gave a little sitting bow. Having remained detached for the most part to date, he allowed his manner to get a little more personal along with the topic. While not ideal for his purposes, there were times when taking a conversational tone with personal questions was the proper way of things. Most mortals understandably had difficulty treating him as an Bergman-esk abstraction and insisted on seeing him as one of them.

Ironic, considering how much strife was caused by human beings de-humanizing each other.

"Five days younger. Though mind you, a day not what you think.

"The demiurge itself gave all of my kind the choice to remain its fold, or go forth to walk this world. What invocation by mortal agency could grant more freedom than the decree of my maker?

"Although, one could argue you conjured me via telephony, yes?"

The demon smiled at this own joke.


sophie_durga September 28 2005, 05:45:10 UTC
Sophie found Kilraven’s smile immediately infectious and could not help but meet it with one of her own. He intrigued her and even with the knowledge that he was a demon and outside of her understanding she realised she now felt strangely at ease in his presence.

Her swinging moods bothered her, the way she could go from elation to fear at the thought of him. Never the most balanced individual these sudden mood shifts were still extreme. No doubt working throughout the night was having an effect on her yet she still struggled to maintain a smiling professional manner in all her engagements.

“Are you happy for me to continue?” she asked Kilraven, “No doubt your eternity of experience has shown you many mortals with plights not dissimilar to my own. There is little more for me to tell you of the facts of our initial meetings.”


kilraven September 28 2005, 06:29:08 UTC
Kilraven made an open-handed gesture.

"By all means. Even if a story is old, every telling is new. The times, and the teller, add their own flavoring and in the end, that is the more important thing.

"Pray tell which of the dilemmas are yours."


sophie_durga September 29 2005, 06:32:57 UTC
“He called me soon after the first time.” Sophie shrugged “I gave him my card, never thinking I’d hear from him again. The offer seemed to good to be true. He had an unusual request for me to meet him in one of the run-down districts out of Leeds. Normally I wouldn’t do such a thing but he was very persuasive, ensured me that it would be fantastic publicity as the club advertised at all the major fetish exhibitions.”

“As we chatted on the phone, he seemed to know my weaknesses. We discussed the lure of the camera and my wish to preserve my image so I am immortalised as that second of perfection, beauty turned art by one click and binding flash of light. More disturbingly he knew of my love of pink roses.” She smiled shyly, “I have not told many this, my mother used to often bring home large bouquets of them, it was her one luxury. She would always take the largest, prettiest rose and place it in a vase by my bedside so my dreams would be infused by its sweet perfume.”

Her smile fading with the memory Sophie continued; “I agreed to meet him to discuss his wishes for the advertisement in more detail. I took a taxi and I…. oh, it’s probably easier if you read the words that summarised my thoughts close to the time.”

She reached into her bag again drawing out a small leather bound book which she flicked open to the bookmarked page. “I wrote down what I could remember of that meeting as it was such a strange encounter in my jotting book. I was going to use it as a sample piece in one of the fetish magazines, sometimes the editors like a bit of dark script to accompany the obsessive images”.

OCC the writing’s content is the sample from my audition, as I’m too lazy today; (it’s in Sophie’s first post.)


kilraven September 29 2005, 20:29:16 UTC
The multi-mirrored afternoon light cast a plethora of shadows on the open page when the man rested fingers on it. Kilraven's gaze at the book was focused, if brief on each page. Demons it seemed, are fast readers. He nodded once when done and flipped the book shut.

"It is, rather more common to favor the reds. Your pink roses are a sigil of your individual flavor. Your shadow has, taken at least that amount of effort to glean your secrets which, I'm afraid, is not so much effort for lilu who have cultivated the skill."

Walking his fingers in a parody of the yellow pages logo, Kilraven spun the journal around so it once more faced its owner.

"Your dilemma, granting the changes of modern times, is an old one. Do not believe however, the old melodramatic language on either side. You are not faced with a gift, nor a curse. These words are poetic, but misleading. There are gifts or curses in this matter, only choices. The difference is the stakes are much dearer and all sales, as your kind say, are final."

Kilraven leveled his gaze at Sophie.

"Before I speak further of those things though, I shall ask you: what is it you wish to come to pass?"


sophie_durga September 30 2005, 02:16:52 UTC
“I wish to know him better, to know what he wants from me, why am I so important to him? He has taken some trouble to single me out. I’m sure he explained some things on the night I can’t remember, but I remember little else from the night. It’s hazy from when we entered the door.

“I remember walking in and noticing a strange smell, sweet yet slightly putrid. We sat in a room, lit only by a few candles while he outlined the plans for the contract. I drank some wine as we talked but it all fades into mistiness. “Sophie stopped a puzzled expression on her face as she searched her memory for anything else.

“I don’t want to become like him, my career would go up in smoke. That’s the mot important thing for me now, to get a few big deals before my time is over. Its not just about the cash, there are many ways I can earn a few bob. But I want my name and face to be remembered on the scene, to be immortalised on film.”


kilraven September 30 2005, 03:58:27 UTC
Kilraven let out a breath between pursed lips.

"Dear lady, do you realize what you are saying?

"You know your shadow is lilu. He knows some secrets of yours you tell only a handful, but you know next to nothing of him. Your memory quickly fades into fog where encounters with him are concerned, but you convince yourself those grey areas must contain explanations that you simply do not recall. In any reasonable human terms, that's a most inequitable relationship, yet you appear ready to go forward believing that you can fathom the mystery of your shadow and then return in a manner of your choosing."

The demon's smile was wry.

"The fact you are here with me telling me what you have is a matter of luck, as few in your circumstances would have contact with me, and even fewer would actually come to me. Without a demon's ear, whom would you tell this story to?

"You are being consumed, young Sophie. Piece by piece, you are being seduced into willingly, eagerly even, surrendering unconditionally. You may, of course, decide this is the path you wish to follow, but do not delude yourself into believing you can follow his lead and retain control over the outcome. Whether you are toyed with and discarded, turned, or sent to the river of souls, will ultimately be in his hands.

"Is this what you wish? If not, then you must weigh what is more important to you and begin to make choices while you still can. To try to grow close to your shadow while preserving your right to walk in the light is a.. troublesome combination of goals at best."


sophie_durga September 30 2005, 04:30:08 UTC
As she listened her lips pouted slightly, giving her face a younger expression “I don’t believe he would harm me. And since when has any relationship been equal? By their very nature they are often power struggles.

“If he was going to turn me, wouldn’t he have done it by now.” She stopped abruptly, realising too late what she had revealed. “I mean, if he is so all powerful, surely he could do with me what he wishes, so what’s the point in resisting?”

Pouring another glass of juice her hands showed a slight tremor, the orange liquid sloshing haphazardly against the sides of the glass. Bringing it to her mouth, she hid a slight grimace as she noticed the warmness of the tangerine. Standing in the glare of the bouncing beams of sunlight it had noticeably warmed by a few degrees. Who would listen to her. No doubt her friends back home would think her mad or at the least deluded even by the basic fact that he was not human.

“I need to know more about him, what he means to me. His face haunts every dream, every shadow. I struggle to remember, aware of the danger, of the possibility of protective repression “


kilraven September 30 2005, 05:11:22 UTC
"In the short term, he could simply overpower you directly, yes. But you must understand lilu psychology - they are creatures of overwhelming id who do not die natural deaths, so most tire of employing only brute force. With time on their hands, it is common for them to take up the art of extended seduction to amuse themselves, and try to foster a sense that they become more than they were and forget about what they have traded away.

"Also, while the nosferatu ego does not like to face the fact directly, they are in many ways fragile. Joining the brood of Sister Lilith has granted them power, but also cost them much. The light we are bathed in here is swift and fiery death to them, so for all feelings of superiority, it does not pay for them to reveal too much, too freely. I think, before this your memory was not prone to such extended lapses, no?

"Now, do not misunderstand me. I do not tell you that following your shadow's lead is certain doom. It is possible of course, that not only are your shadow's intentions benign, but that he might even be able be able to stand by them. That is however, as they say, not something to bank on. I am simply pointing out your assumptions are on shaky ground and proceeding as things stand risks a great deal, which is why you've come to see me. Ultimately, the choice of risks shall be yours.

"But, I see your ice has sucumbed to the light."

Smoothly diverting topics, Kilraven summoned his receptionist again, who brought a fresh glass with more ice a different bottle of juice.


sophie_durga September 30 2005, 06:02:05 UTC
Discarding the half drunk tangerine to one side of the desk Sophie eyed the bottle placed before her curiously. Dark and intriguing, the bottle appeared to be filled with a pale brown liquid. She picked it up observing the lack of label and poured the contents over the ice. The liquid swirled thickly, the consistency of baileys, but with an exotic scent of tropical sunshine infused with the rich bitterness of chocolate. She took a small sip and was pleasantly surprised. Luxuriously smooth and creamy, hints of moist tender coconut blended with thick milk chocolate.

“So you think he s toying with me to add amusement to an otherwise boring life? I’m sure he could find someone much more willing to entertain him. But why would he say that he cares, that he wants me to succeed. There are many that would have jumped at the chance to advertise The Flesh Theatre, it’s notorious for its bondage dungeon amongst the UK scene, and that’s just one of its specialties. Yet he offered the opportunity to me. He has never been anything but a gentleman around me.”

“The weakness of sunlight is noted, although I’ve heard it before I was not sure of the authenticity. My memory was always pretty good, apart from the odd drunken binge. “ she smirked, “Everything else is still clear.”


kilraven September 30 2005, 19:50:02 UTC
"You waste your time trying to convince me your shadow's intentions are benign. I have no convictions one way or the other. I merely point out that while possible, it is unlikely. Unfortunate as it may be, the realities of joining the brood of Lilith overwhelm the finer sensibilities of most.

"Understand that for a child of Lilith, charm is even more double-edged than it is for you. Your shadow is gentlemanly as much to convince himself he is civilized as he is to beguile you. Likely more so, really.

"However, I should add in counterpoint that the popular image of Lilith's children as simple monsters is also false. While they are driven by stronger base impulses than Eve's children, they are by no means always clear in their own purposes. It's quite possible that your shadow himself is not entirely certain far as his own motives and ultimate aims are regarding you. Yours might be a case where predator's instinct is not completely ascendant. It is possible, within that window of uncertainty, you might influence him.

"Mind though, you would be playing a high stakes game against an experienced opponent with very few cards in your hand to speak of. It's a very poor gambit, but not a totally hopeless one.

"You must decide how much you are willing to risk. Remember though, that you have more than two choices."


sophie_durga October 1 2005, 04:47:05 UTC
Sophie listened thoughtfully to the words but he mind grasped hold of one concept “So they are not inherently evil? It is possible that he could help me to achieve my wishes. I would give everything I have for the chance of success. It is what I have spent the past 10 years working towards and finally I have the end within sight. I cannot risk waiting around, to see if a “safer” opportunity presents itself, this game is all about risks. I am not getting any younger and youth is where the business is. As soon as the first lines appear on my face I’ll be old news. To be discarded like yesterdays paper.

“He was not even present at the first shoot and it was a complete success. The initial advertisement led to a few jobs in Europe, rates I would never have dreamed of before. He has offered me more, the opportunity to become the face of the club, to lure in a larger crowd. Finally I can see my goal before me. The last model was a huge success, she got front covers of Bizarre, Skin 2 etc. and there were rumours she had a movie deal lined up before she died.”


kilraven October 1 2005, 05:36:24 UTC
"Nothing between the earth and sky is evil, but some things are best feared.

"You could simply be a tool for the more obvious reasons. While the motives of Lilith's brood are usually layered, they have more mundane concerns as well. Your shadow may actually want you to be what he professes for the reason he puts forth. There are, after all, many advantages for his kind of have a successful venture of that sort under their control. If that is the case, you both will have uses for each other which, at least for a time, may not conflict. It is most useful, vital really, for any lilu of ambition to have agents who can walk in the day.

"Of course though, there is no guarantee the arrangment will be stable. He does not die natural death, you are keenly aware a model's halflife is limited, and you mention another in your place was sent down the river before her time."


sophie_durga October 1 2005, 06:02:11 UTC
“So that’s what you think his purpose is - to have a daylight agent?” she frowned, “But my shifts are all by night, given the nature of the club.”

“ Danger is always on the cards, everyone’s out to screw you over in this business. Unexpected deaths are not uncommon” Sophie shivered at the thought “She was apparently poisoned by silver. I don’t recall the details, it made the press a few years ago.”


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