I hate when I start rambling in response to something and then realize I'm not quite sure if the question I think the other person is raising is really what they're talking about. So then it's like ".......do you really want to post an extremely subjective tl;dr that might not even address the point--okay no."
In semi-related news, I just randomly lolled at the fact that for all the posturing Cloud does in Midgar at the beginning of the game, and the ridiculous claim that is "oh hey, me and Sephiroth were BFFs", "I was mesmerized by the way Sephiroth fought" is a straightforward admission with the witnesses of Aerith and Tifa and Red and Barret--ESPECIALLY BARRET, CONSIDERING HE'S THE ONE CLOUD GETS THE MOST ATTITUDE WITH--"Why would I fight the dragon when I could be fanboying him?" All his Mr. Cool ex-SOLDIER cred went out the window with that.
How's My Driving? Meme
Juuuuuust in case anyone didn't see it. Though I...kinda doubt it, what with it being the first comment. x_x;;