Thoughts on Nightmare in Silver

May 11, 2013 21:22

Wow haven't had time to do one of these in ages!! Not that I have the time now, mind, with a final on Monday but w/e lol

Anyway .... below the cut ...
[Spoiler (click to open)]* my husband refused to watch this with me. Even though it's Neil Gaiman who he likes, he's given upRead more... )

doctor who, reviews are fun and list-y

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fogsblue May 12 2013, 06:37:57 UTC
* why is what's-her-face mad at clara? Don't bite the hand that feeds you, or that let's you manipulate her into inviting you along for a trip. That little girl is seriously obnoxious.

I did not like her at the start of the episode and I didn't like her at the end. I know teenagers can be obnxious, but did they need to make her that unpleasant?

* matt smith is a really good physical actor, it's a shame he doesn't get to do that more often

If there is one thing I've really noticed in S7b, it's that Matt Smith finally seems to be getting to do some ACTUAL acting for the Doctor. This episode was pretty meh, but I really think MS is acting more now. If that makes sense.... (I haven't slept, sense might be lacking)

* i guess I still don't get why the hell Clara is interested in travelling with the Doctor.

I admit to wondering this a bit since JttCotT. She doesn't seem particularly interested in the travelling, and despite all the the 11/Clara shippers out there, I don't think it's because she's romantically interested in the Doctor. I'm not sure why. But then, given the Moffat build p to her being all 'special' I imagine her free will won't actually exist. She's there because of 'reasons'.
(Geee, anyone would think I don't trust Moffat...)

They're shipping Eleven/Clara pretty hard and River's not even dead yet

I'm the same, I can't stand Eleven/River and even I think that's just crappy. And very typical of Moffat. If they're not married (and even then I doubt he'd care much) then there's obviously nothing wrong with having another relationship. Stil expecting that River vs Clara catfight

* the whole emperor subplot seemed kind of ... pointless. I'm sure it was meant to be meaningful I just can't bring myself to care.

Not sure I care much, but I admit, liked seeing Warwick Davis!

* lovely skirt comment and salivating little grin =P

That comment was almost ok, until the end bit about the skirt and then I wanted to throw soemthing. Preferably something explosive at Moffat.

* ok i'm bored again

And the episoed in a nutshell for me!


kilodalton May 12 2013, 12:59:35 UTC
... my responses to YOUR responses can basically be summed up as: "what you said!!!" =)


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