1. I really felt like I was gonna start hearing the Firefly theme at any time. Space western and all that ...
2. So um ... what happened to the whole "it's home for us, doctor" and 11's emo!face at Amy and Rory's leaving the end of the last episode? Why are they still on the TARDIS? My biggest issue with Moffat (besides characterization, but tied to it) is lack of continuity ... (at this point, in reference to the lack of continuity, my husband rolled his eyes with a "JFC"). So are they just occasionally being picked up and dropped off?
3. WHAT WUZ RORY DOING IN HENRY VIII'S ENSUITE???? I think I ship Henry/Rory now, just sayin' ...
4. The variety of disparate American regional accents kind of threw me a bit, but it was a cool hearing Matt Smith sound like a yank XD
5. A transgender horse ... named Susan. I now ship Susan/Arthur.
6. The revisited Time War angst is a nice throwback to the RTD era ... however it seems a bit out of place considering that the only time Eleven's seemed even remotely un-"meh"-y about it recently was a year ago, in The Doctor's Wife.
7. It would be nice if Eleven's merciless emo with Solomon last week and his almost!mercilessness with Kahler Jex were able to be cohesively joined into some sort of seasonal theme. Alas, sadly I think these links are destined to remain disparate.
8. "Give me a Dalek any day" - yes, Eleven, ~~Oswin~~ will be joining you soon =P
9. It's kind of funny, as my husband pointed out, that the cold-blooded-killing weapon hasn't actually deliberately killed anyone XD
10. I really couldn't bring myself to care much that Kahler Jex decided to blow up his spaceship. There was just something missing that didn't make him seem as heroic as he might otherwise have semeed. Idk. I just didn't "feel" this one too much.