This guy! I saw this artist's work at a "bike art show", where all the art was bicycle themed, or created out of bicycles, or what-have-you. My friend Adam submitted some pieces he'd welded out of bike parts, and I was there to support him. Much of this art show was kind of boring to me, perhaps because it was not a juried show and the art wasn't all that great sometimes, or maybe because I didn't understand the significance of the photographs in some of the submissions. It was heavy on the bike and lighter on the art, we'll say.
This painting, though, blew me away. I really wanted to buy something from him, but he's already out of my price range. It didn't help that this piece is huge.
I like how he leaves most of the plywood base unpainted and incorporates it into the picture. The blush on the woman's cheek, for instance, is just a dark part of wood he left blank. Cool.
Artist's website: