Aug 04, 2004 21:47
Nothing has been going on lately. i Went to North Conway for like 2 days and it was pretty fun.. My dad took me Kaylee Henry and My Gram there. We saw John. Which was sorta odd cause I wouldn't expect to see any one there...Hmm
I haven't talked to Brandon since before I left for Conway. And I sorta hate to say it but I miss him :-/ He called yesterday and I was sleeping and my retarded mom didn't wake me up. Grr. I want to talk to him or see him SOOO Bad! I am so Pathetic
I love You Brandon
Before I left for North Conway. I was hanging out with Henry Kaylee and Jake a lot. Henry I have no choice but to love the kid--- He's my brother.:-p him and Brandon get along well. :-p.. Kaylee always trys to show off in front of Henry it pisses me off greatly. Grr! And Jake.. Wow. I love that kid he is like my best guy friend. I could tell him anything and he would never judge me for it. He always makes me smile too:)
I have been going to bed at like 2 am every morning and waking up at like 8 which is unusual for me. I did that 4 days in a row which oddly made me exhausted. So last night I went to bed at like 7 30. I woke up at like 2 30- 3 00. Then went back to sleep until 8 30 this morning and I was up. I then went into the shower and cleaned my house. mom came home and I sat around the house all day wondering if *he;) would call. That didn't happen. At 6 I went to my fitting and was told that it wasn't until 7 so I hung out with Jessika Maquarrie, Nick Gilman, Nick Brough and Nick(I don't know how to spell his last name.) I didn't actually hang out with them but they were like kicking my ass.... I came home and then sat around again... Leading me to now which is boring...
Maybe One day I will
Get around to calling
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