Jan 30, 2006 17:19
mmmmk, so today was decent. I guess it just all seemed a lot better because I was super hyper all day like I couldn't stop twitching and everything. Sarah [my playmate] and I came up with this AMAZING plan last night while talking aim style. Once we either have our cars or have someone w/ a car to participate in running away from the cops it's going down. We are going to invade the fountain in Morrison Plantation and load it with bubbles. [see why we have to run away from the cops now?] Now I swear if anyone else takes our idea and has a party in the bubble fountain i will fucking cunt chop you, alright got it good. Okay, onto bad news now. I am in the musical Beauty and the Beast at Lake Norman High. We are having 5 shows and about a gabagazillion practices for it and it "just so happens" that Eisley, Jenny Lewis, and Youth Group are all coming to North Carolina and each are playing their shows ON THE SAME FUCKING NIGHT AS OUR PERFORMANCES!!! arghhhhhhhhhh, you have no idea how pissed I am about that. ::sigh:: and no my friends and I can't get out of beauty and the beast because it was our "decision" and we have to stay in now. IF I KNEW JENNY LEWIS AND EISLEY WERE COMING TO NC I WOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN INTO THE PLAY!!!
I could rant on about how much it sucks but I'm not. I will let you know two of the excuses to get out of the show was we got raped and/or got aids. mm hmmmmm. have a good week.