Mar 14, 2005 23:26
I finally know what I want to do with my life...
...and I haven't had this much energy (by myself without hillary) in a long time.
I feel like being colorful tomorrow.
I feel the need to express a sigh of joy... dad said it was totally cool for me and my three best friends to go on a road trip after graduation!!! He may be completely disappointed in me and where I'm taking my life, but he's cool enough to understand that I'm almost 18 and want to be free from their rein. Awesome! So now, I just have to inform the three of them about the good news...oh and maybe tell them about the idea in the first place!!!
I love Disney, my friends, make-up, color, and freedom!!!
America may suck but I'm not gonna sit here and complain about our country and however Bush rules it when I could be living in China working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in a tiny factory that smells like ass and has absolutely no outside air, in a dust filled environment for $500 a year. Most people there MAKE all the parts for OUR computers and never get to use one. Their lucky if they get to eat each day. What the fuck is this world coming to? Paris Hilton can walk around in a dress that rates about $30,000 and there's people starving all over the world (America included)? Somehow, I find that sad. I can't quite fathom why, can you? Yeah, fuck her and her stupid star status just for being rich and skinny. She's done nothing in her life to warrant the lifestyle she lives. Nothing!!!
I love triplets (in music, not people). Their awesome and make music much more interesting to sing.
Slight moment of rage and now back to stupid giddyness.
Goodnight Folks!